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Ref ID: 28245
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Jaffe, Yitzchak
Title: Materializing identity—a statistical analysis of the Western Zhou Liulihe cemetery
Date: 2013
Source: Asian Perspectives (2012)
Abstract: Questions of identity are of paramount importance in research of the Western Zhou period, both in the central plain and among its vassal states. Yet most research done to date has focused on the Zhou bureaucratic order and government. These analyses have been very successful in delineating political culture, administration, and kinship ties, and have provided important information on elite taste and customs. However, they have paid less attention to uncovering other social groupings and relations, and do not systematically address the ways in which local identities were exercised or displayed. This article presents a multivariate statistical analysis of the Liulihe cemetary of the Western Zhou state of Yan. This analysis uncovers new elements comprising the complex social makeup and identity of the Liulihe occupants. These findings provide a richer understanding of the Yan society compared with the traditional approach that centered on the delineation of Zhou political elements and ethnic characteristics. A more intricate society emerges, one not solely defined by the amount of Zhou style it exhibited.
Date Created: 1/30/2014
Volume: 51
Number: 1
Page Start: 47
Page End: 67