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Ref ID: 26586
Ref Type: Electronic Source
Authors: Conrad, Cyler
Title: Archaeological databases for Spirit Cave, Mae Hong Son Province, Thailand
Date: 2015
Notes: This repository dataset is described in the manuscript: Conrad, C., Higham, C., Eda, M. and Marwick, B. (2016) Paleoecology and Forager Subsistence Strategies During the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition: A Reinvestigation of the Zooarchaeological Assemblage from Spirit Cave, Mae Hong Son Province, Thailand. Asian Perspectives 55(1).
Abstract: Archaeological databases, MNI table and R script for the Spirit Cave, Thailand, collections. The faunal, botanical, lithic and ceramic databases (and MNI table) are saved as .csv files. A Readme file is attached describing the column headings and organization of the databases. Collaborating researchers for this project include Charles Higham, Masaki Eda, Ben Marwick, Peter Ng and Rachanie Thosarat. R script is provided as a zip file ( created from the repository developed and hosted at Note: This material does not derive from a new excavation of Spirit Cave
it is the data collected through our reanalysis of the curated assemblage at the University of Otago.
Date Created: 10/25/2016
Volume: 2016