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Ref ID: 24000
Ref Type: Book Section
Authors: Williams, Corrie
Title: Faunal composition of Pamwak site, Manus Island, PNG
Date: 1999
Source: Le Pacifique de 5000 à 2000 avant le présent
Place of Publication: Paris
Publisher: Institut de Recherche pour le Développement
Abstract: This paper reports on the faunal composition and change at the Pamwak Rockshelter site from approximately 12,000 BP to present. The fauna collected at Pamwak includes bandicoot (Echimpera kalubu), cuscus (Spilocuscus kraemeri), Murids (Rattus mordax, R. praetor, R. rattus), bats, fish, reptiles, and amphibians. Bulk residue screen samples were taken for each of the excavated squares and laboratory sorted to assess the effect of field collection on the collected faunal assemblage. Recovery of a bone did not depend on the size of the element, although postcranial elements were missed in the field collection. Echimpera kalubu first appears at approximately 12,000 BP as do reef and onshore captured fish. This corresponds to a change in the use of stone tools to that of obsidian (Fredericksen et al. 1993). The small cuscus Spilocuscus kraemeri first appears at approximately 11,000 BP. Rattus rattus has been identified in the site from 11,000 BP. This occurrence is surprising and is currently being reviewed. Pelagic fish (Sphyraenidae and Scombridae) appear in the site at 10,000 to 4,800 BP and therefore suggest the use of sophisticated fishing technologies from 10,000 BP. Rattus praetor first appears at 9,000 BP and is recorded in the sequence at the same time as R. mordax. R. mordax is present at the top of the sequence when R. praetor is no longer recorded.
Date Created: 11/1/2006
Editors: Galipaud, Jean-Christophe
Lilley, Ian
Page Start: 241
Page End: 249