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Ref ID: 23569
Ref Type: Book Section
Authors: Dizon, Eusebio Z.
Santiago, Rey A.
Title: Preliminary report on the archaeological explorations in Batan, Sabtang and Ivuhos Islands, Batanes Province, Northern Philippines
Date: 1998
Source: Southeast Asian Archaeology 1994: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archeologists
Place of Publication: Hull
Publisher: Centre for South-East Asian Studies, University of Hull
Abstract: The archaeological potential of Batanes province, on the northernmost tip of the Philippine archipelago has been realized by the Archaeology Division, National Museum of the Philippines in their latest (1994) explorations. A number of sites were recorded, including ijangs, or castle-like structures on high rocky formations which were probably used both as ancient habitations, and as fortresses. In some sites, there were probably "micro-megalithic" practices as seen on the columnar types of stones, standing erect with some indications of human modifications. There were also ship- or boat-shaped stone formations which may have been used as burial markers by the early inhabitants of the islands.
Date Created: 9/30/2009
Editors: Manguin, Pierre-Yves
Volume: 1
Page Start: 53
Page End: 62