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Ref ID: 23568
Ref Type: Book Section
Authors: Soegondho, Santoso
Title: Paleometallic potteries from Gilimanuk and Plawangan
Date: 1998
Source: Southeast Asian Archaeology 1994: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archeologists
Place of Publication: Hull
Publisher: Centre for South-East Asian Studies, University of Hull
Abstract: This paper discusses the ceramic containers found at the sites of Gilimanuk (Bali) and Plawangan (Central Java). These sites are contemporary and both are necropolis and coastal sites. At Gilimanuk, vessels were used as funerary gifts, as well as for daily utensils. Most of the pottery used for burial purposes has net-impressed decoration and is of poor quality. The habitation sherdage is characterized by incised decoration and finer surfaces. However, pottery could only be classified as one type from the viewpoint of physical properties. Unlike the Gilimanuk ceramics, the ones from Plawangan tend to have been used mainly for daily use or trade, rather than for religious purposes. The shapes of Plawangan ceramics are not varied, and surface treatment seems to be unimportant: shallow bowls and pots were made with potter's wheel, while the paddle and anvil technique was only used to make large containers. Decorations can only be found on ceramics for ritual purposes. There appears therefore to be a close relationship between function and manufacturing techniques: the needs of the community had the greatest influence in choosing the suitable techniques, shapes, sizes, etc.
Date Created: 9/30/2009
Editors: Manguin, Pierre-Yves
Volume: 1
Page Start: 63
Page End: 74