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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1983 Adi bin Haji Taha Recent archaeological discoveries in peninsular Malaysia (1976-1982) Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society [Adi 1983 #29364]
Journal Article 1987 Adi Haji Taha Recent archaeological discoveries in peninsular Malaysia (1983-1985) Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society [Adi 1987 #29361]
Book Section in a Series 2001 Allard, Francis Southeast China Late Neolithic Encyclopedia of prehistory: East Asia and Oceania [Allard, 2001 #25908]
Book in a Series 1990 Anderson, Douglas D. Lang Rongrien rockshelter: a Pleistocene-early Holocene archaeological site from Krabi, southwestern Thailand [Anderson, 1990 #21964]
Journal Article 1987 Anderson, Douglas D. A Pleistocene-early Holocene rock shelter in peninsular Thailand National Geographic Research [Anderson, 1987 #35835]
Book Section 2015 Anggraeni The lifestyle of the Karama valley Neolithic-Paleometallic inhabitants Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2013: selected papers from the First SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology [Anggraeni 2015 #22519]
Journal Article 2014 Anggraeni Neolithic foundations in the Karama valley, West Sulawesi, Indonesia Antiquity [Anggraeni 2014 #26795]
Journal Article 1969 Aung Thaw, U. The "Neolithic" culture of the Padah-lin Caves Journal of the Burma Research Society [Aung 1969 #35814]
Book Section in a Series 2018 Azis, Nasrullah Mansiri in North Sulawesi: a new dentate-stamped pottery site in Island Southeast Asia The Archaeology of Sulawesi [Azis, 2018 #25319]
Journal Article 2017 Barron, Aleese MicroCT reveals domesticated rice (Oryza sativa) within pottery sherds from early Neolithic sites (4150–3265 cal BP) in Southeast Asia Scientific Reports [Barron, 2017 #27036]
Journal Article 2022 Bellina, Bérénice Wang Duan: Upper Thai-Malay Peninsula coastal groups during the early and late Neolithic period Archaeological Research in Asia [Bellina, 2022 #37070]
Book Section 2006 Bellwood, Peter The dispersal of Neolithic cultures from China into Island Southeast Asia: standstills, slow moves, and fast spreads Prehistoric archaeology of South China and Southeast Asia: proceedings of the international conference to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the excavation of Zengpiyan [Bellwood, 2006 #24110]
Book Section in a Series 2001 Bellwood, Peter Southeast Asia Neolithic and Early Bronze Encyclopedia of prehistory: East Asia and Oceania [Bellwood, 2001 #25911]
Journal Article 2013 Bellwood, Peter An Son and the neolithic of southern Vietnam Asian Perspectives (2011) [Bellwood, 2013 #28161]
Book Section 2017 Bellwood, Peter Neolithic farmers and sailors in southern China, Taiwan, and the Philippines First islanders: prehistory and human migration in island Southeast Asia [Bellwood, 2017 #36875]
Book Section 2017 Bellwood, Peter The Neolithic of East Malaysia and Indonesia First islanders: prehistory and human migration in island Southeast Asia [Bellwood, 2017 #36876]
Book Section 2022 Bellwood, Peter The expansion of farmers into Island Southeast Asia The Oxford Handbook of Early Southeast Asia [Bellwood, 2022 #37029]
Journal Article 2018 Bentley, R. Alexander Social differences in Neolithic/Bronze Age Myanmar: 87Sr/86Sr in skeletal remains from Oakaie 1 and Nyaung'gan Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports [Bentley, 2018 #26744]
Journal Article 2009 Bentley, R. Alexander Community diversity at Ban Lum Khao, Thailand: isotopic evidence from the skeletons Asian Perspectives (2009) [Bentley, 2009 #29222]
Book Section in a Series 1993 Bergman, Christoopher A. The Development of the Bow in Western Europe: A Technological and Functional Perspective Hunting and Animal Exploitation in the Later Palaeolithic and Mesolithic of Eurasia [Bergman, 1993 #25240]
Book Section in a Series 2010 Boer-Mah, Tessa The adze assemblage The origins of the civilization of Angkor, vol. 4: the excavation of Ban Non Wat, part two: the neolithic occupation [Boer-Mah, 2010 #25460]
Journal Article 2006 Bower, Nathan W. Preliminary reconstruction of diet at a neolithic site in Vietnam using stable isotope and Ba/Sr analyses Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Bower, 2006 #30035]
Journal Article 2016 Brandão, Andreia Quantifying the legacy of the Chinese neolithic on the maternal genetic heritage of Taiwan and island Southeast Asia Human Genetics [Brandão, 2016 #27640]
Journal Article 2014 Buckley, Hallie R. Scurvy in a tropical paradise? Evaluating the possibility of infant and adult vitamin C deficiency in the Lapita skeletal sample of Teouma, Vanuatu, Pacific islands International Journal of Paleopathology [Buckley, 2014 #37154]
Journal Article 2014 Bulbeck, David The chronometric Holocene archaeological record of the southern Thai-Malay peninsula International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies [Bulbeck, 2014 #28095]
Journal Article 1930 Burkitt, M. C. Fresh light on the stone age in Southeast Asia Antiquity [Burkitt, 1930 #29918]
Journal Article 1925 Buxton, Leonard Halford Dudley Early man in China Man [Buxton, 1925 #37178]
Journal Article 1999 Cao Bingwu, China's earliest Neolithic cultures: the differences between south and north Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Cao 1999 #35482]
Book Section 1979 Carbonnel, Jean-Pierre Recent data on the Cambodian Neolithic: the problem of cultural continuity in southern Indochina Early South East Asia: essays in archaeology, history, and historical geography [Carbonnel, 1979 #25092]
Journal Article 2014 Carson, Mike T. Semiconductor theory in migration: population receivers, homelands and gateways in Taiwan and Island Southeast Asia World Archaeology [Carson, 2014 #28139]