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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2023 Zhang, Ran Longquan celadon: a quantitative archaeological analysis of a pan-Indian Ocean industry of the 12th to 15th centuries World Archaeology [Zhang, 2023 #37237]
Journal Article 1996 Lourido, Rui D'Ávila European trade between Macao and Siam, from its beginnings to 1663 Journal of the Siam Society [Lourido, 1996 #36687]
Journal Article 2003 Penth, Hans On rice and rice fields in old Lān Nā: text, translations, interpretations Journal of the Siam Society [Penth, 2003 #36680]
Book Section in a Series 2014 Isendahl, Christian Growth and Decline in Classic Maya Puuc Political Economies The Resilience and Vulnerability of Ancient Landscapes: Transforming Maya Archaeology through IHOPE [Isendahl, 2014 #25203]
Book Section in a Series 2014 Gunn, Joel D. Agent Risk and Sustainability in the Western Maya Lowlands The Resilience and Vulnerability of Ancient Landscapes: Transforming Maya Archaeology through IHOPE [Gunn, 2014 #25199]
Book Section in a Series 1992 Nassaney, Michael S. Communal Societies and the Emergence of Elites in the Prehistoric American Southeast Lords of the Southeast: Social Inequality and the Native Elites of Southeastern North America [Nassaney, 1992 #25252]
Book Section in a Series 1992 Helms, Mary W. Political Lords and Political Ideology in Southeastern Chiefdoms: Comments and Observations Lords of the Southeast: Social Inequality and the Native Elites of Southeastern North America [Helms, 1992 #25249]
Book Section 1997 Bamforth, Douglas B. Technology, flaked stone technology, and risk Rediscovering Darwin: evolutionary theory and archeological explanation [Bamforth, 1997 #22150]
Journal Article 1984 Endicott, Kirk The economy of the Batek of Malaysia: annual and historical perspectives Research in Economic Anthropology [Endicott, 1984 #26604]
Journal Article 2018 Hou, Yanfeng The Guandimiao bone assemblage (and what it says about the Shang economy) Asian Perspectives [Hou, 2018 #26712]
Journal Article 2003 Sand, Christophe Prehistory and its perception in a Melanesian archipelago: the New Caledonia example Antiquity [Sand, 2003 #26773]
Journal Article 2017 Leroy, S. The ties that bind: archaeometallurgical typology of architectural crampons as a method for reconstructing the iron economy of Angkor, Cambodia (tenth to thirteenth c.) Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Leroy, 2017 #26929]
Journal Article 2014 Lorrillard, Michel Économie et réseaux dans l'espace lao au XVIIe siècle Péninsule [Lorrillard, 2014 #26938]
Thesis 1971 Bayard, Donn Thomas A course toward what? Evolution, development and change at Non Nok Tha, Northeastern Thailand Anthropology [Bayard, 1971 #36275]
Book (Edited) 1991 Snooks, G. D. Exploring Southeast Asia's Economic Past [Snooks, 1991 #21371]
Book Section 1988 Wee, Vivienne Material dependence and symbolic independence: constructions of Melayu ethnicity in island Riau, Indonesia Ethnic diversity and the control of natural resources in Southeast Asia [Wee, 1988 #22569]
Book 1979 Popkin, Samuel L. The rational peasant: the political economy of rural society in Vietnam [Popkin, 1979 #19962]
Journal Article 2012 Porr, Martin North of the Southern Arc - the Mindoro Archaeological Research Program: a summary of the 2010 and 2011 fieldwork activities Australian Archaeology [Porr, 2012 #27968]
Journal Article 1963 Sedov, L. A. On the problem of the economic system in Angkor, Cambodia in the IX-XII centuries Narody Asiil Afriki, Istoria, Ekonomika, Kultura [Sedov, 1963 #28027]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Hruby, Zachary X. On "rethinking" craft specialization: responses by the authors Rethinking craft specialization in complex societies: archaeological analyses of the social meaning of production [Hruby, 2007 #25371]
Journal Article 2004 Smith, Michael E. The archaeology of ancient state economies Annual Review of Anthropology [Smith, 2004 #28074]
Book Section in a Series 1992 Hall, Kenneth R. Economic history of early Southeast Asia Cambridge history of Southeast Asia, volume 1: from early times to c. 1800 [Hall, 1992 #25385]
Journal Article 2013 Hayden, Brian Traditional corporate group economics in Southeast Asia: an ethnographic study with archaeological implications Asian Perspectives (2011) [Hayden, 2013 #28160]
Book Section in a Series 2013 Voeun, Vuthy Zooarchaeology at Phum Snay, a prehistoric cemetery in northwestern Cambodia Water civilization: from Yangtze to Khmer civilizations [Voeun, 2013 #25471]
Book 1986 Ray, Himanshu Prabha Monastery and Guild: Commerce Under the Sātavāhanas [Ray, 1986 #20045]
Book 2008 Rowley, Chris The changing face of management in South East Asia [Rowley, 2008 #20053]
Thesis 1971 Gardner, Stephen Louis Thailand's mineral resources and economic development Economics [Gardner, 1971 #36348]
Book Section 2010 Kumar, Sushil History of rice marketing Rice: origin, antiquity and history [Kumar, 2010 #23218]
Book Section in a Series 2011 Selvaraj, Christopher Asian hauntings: horror cinema, global capitalism and the reconciliation of alterity Alterities in Asia: reflections on identity and regionalism [Selvaraj, 2011 #25536]
Thesis 2011 Barney, Keith Grounding global forest economies: resource governance and commodity power in rural Laos Geography [Barney, 2011 #36349]