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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2016 Crema, Enrico R. Summed probability distribution of 14C dates suggests regional divergences in the population dynamics of the Jomon period in Eastern Japan PLOS One [Crema, 2016 #26611]
Journal Article 2018 Nishimura, Yoko The evolution of curved beads (magatama 勾玉/曲玉) in Jōmon Period Japan and the development of individual ownership Asian Perspectives [Nishimura, 2018 #26719]
Book Section 2017 Crawford, Gary W. Plant domestication in East Asia Handbook of East and Southeast Asian Archaeology [Crawford, 2017 #22298]
Book Section 2013 Pietrusewsky, M. Biological connections across the Sea of Japan: a multivariate comparison of ancient and more modern crania from Japan, China, Korea, and Southeast Asia Bioarchaeology of East Asia: movement, contact, health [Pietrusewsky, 2013 #22701]
Journal Article 2007 Rhee, Song-Nai Korean contributions to agriculture, technology, and state formation in Japan: archaeology and history of an epochal thousand years, 400 B.C.-A.D. 600 Asian Perspectives (2007) [Rhee, 2007 #28158]
Journal Article 2006 Hammer, Michael Dual origins of the Japanese: common ground for hunter-gatherer and farmer Y chromosomes Journal of Human Genetics [Hammer, 2006 #28617]
Journal Article 1978 Pearson, Richard J. Some problems in the study of Jomon subsistence Antiquity [Pearson, 1978 #28948]
Journal Article 1983 Nishida, Masaki The emergence of food production in Neolithic Japan Journal of Anthropological Archaeology [Nishida, 1983 #29062]
Thesis-PhD 1972 Kotani, Yoshinobu Economic bases during the later Jomon periods in Kyushu, Japan: a reconsideration. [Kotani, 1972 #36491]
Book Section 1981 Kotani, Yoshinobu Evidence of plant cultivation in Jomon Japan: some implications. Affluent foragers: Pacific coasts East and West [Kotani, 1981 #23649]
Book 1994 Kenrick, D. M. Jomon of Japan: world's oldest pottery [Kenrick, 1994 #20467]
Journal Article 2007 Pearson, Richard Debating Jomon social complexity Asian Perspectives (2007) [Pearson, 2007 #29794]
Thesis-PhD D'Andrea, Catherine A. Palaeoethnobotany of Later Jomon and Early Yayoi cultures in northeastern Japan: northeastern Aomori and southwestern Hokkaido [D'Andrea, #36503]
Book (Edited) 1990 Barnes, Gina Lee Hoabinhian, Jomon, Yayoi, early Korean states [Barnes, 1990 #21525]
Journal Article 2006 Oxenham, M. F. Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis in late Jomon Hokkaido, Japan International Journal of Osteoarchaeology [Oxenham, 2006 #30086]
Book Section in a Series 2001 Matsui, Akira Jomon Encyclopedia of prehistory: East Asia and Oceania [Matsui, 2001 #25916]
Journal Article 2006 Nakamura, Oki Review of "Bulletin of the International Jomon Culture Conference, Vol. 1 2004" by Richard Pearson Asian Perspectives (2006) [Nakamura, 2006 #30201]
Journal Article 2006 Matsumura, Hirofumi Embodying Okhotsk ethnicity: human skeletal remains from the Aonae Dune site, Okushiri Island, Hokkaido Asian Perspectives (2006) [Matsumura, 2006 #30273]
Journal Article 2004 Kitagawa, Junko The influence of climatic change on chestnut and horse chestnut preservation around Jomon sites in northeastern Japan with special reference to the Sannai-Maruyama and Kamegaoka sites Quaternary International [Kitagawa, 2004 #30657]
Journal Article 2004 Yasuda, Yoshinori Environmental variability and human adaptation during the late glacial/Holocene transition in Japan with reference to pollen analysis of the SG4 core from Lake Suigetsu Quaternary International [Yasuda, 2004 #30665]
Journal Article 1997 Nguyen Gia Doi, Thoi dai Jomon trong boi canh sinh thai-van hoa Dong A tien sur [ Jomo Age in Southeast Asian background] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1997 #30808]
Journal Article 2004 Hudson, Mark J. Review of "An archaeological history of Japan, 30,000 B.C. to A.D. 700," by Koji Mizoguchi Asian Perspectives (2004) [Hudson, 2004 #31159]
Journal Article 2004 Ken‘ichi, Kobayashi Review of "Subsistence-settlement systems and intersite variability in the Moroiso phase of the early Jomon Period of Japan," by Habu Junko Asian Perspectives (2004) [Ken‘ichi, 2004 #31156]
Journal Article 2003 Shinji, Ito The position of the Ryukyu Jomon Culture in the Asia-Pacific region Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Shinji, 2003 #31210]
Journal Article 2001 Takenaka, Masami Tooth removal during ritual tooth ablation in the Jomon period Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Takenaka, 2001 #31745]
Journal Article 1996 Motohashi, Emiko Jomon lithic raw material exploitation in the Izu Islands, Tokyo, Japan Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Motohashi, 1996 #31730]
Journal Article 1995 Kaifu, Yousuke Differences in mandibular morphology of the Jomon people from Kanto and the Yayoi people from northern Kyushu and Yamaguchi Anthropological Science [Kaifu, 1995 #31994]
Journal Article 1995 Fujita, Hisashi Geographical and chronological differences in dental caries in the Neolithic Jomon Period of Japan Anthropological Science [Fujita, 1995 #31993]
Journal Article 1994 Shigehara, Nobuo Human skeletal remains of the middle to late Jomon period excavated from the inland Kitamura site, Nagano Prefecture Anthropological Science [Shigehara, 1994 #31991]
Journal Article 1994 Kondo, Osamu The skulls of Ubayama shell-mounds. II. An analysis of intra- and inter-regional variation of the Jomon population Anthropological Science [Kondo, 1994 #31987]