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Ref ID: 31745
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Takenaka, Masami
Mine, Kazuharu
Tsuchimochi, Kazuhiko
Shimada, Kazuyuki
Title: Tooth removal during ritual tooth ablation in the Jomon period
Date: 2001
Source: Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association
Notes: Indo-Pacific prehistory: the Melaka papers, Vol. 5
Abstract: The presence or absence of broken roots and root fragments in the alveolus resulting from ritual tooth ablation in Jomon skulls was investigated. Five out of 49 Jomon skulls with tooth ablation had residual tooth roots. These examples suggest that incomplete removal of the tooth sometimes occurred during ritual ablation. From this it can be speculated that Jomon people used the traumatic method to knock out teeth during ritual tooth ablation.
Date Created: 10/19/2003
Volume: 21
Page Start: 49
Page End: 52