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Type | Year | Authors | Title | Source | ID |
Journal Article | 2002 | Bleed, Peter | Cheap, Regular, and Reliable: Implications of Design Variation in Late Pleistocene Japanese Microblade Technology | Thinking Small: Global Perspectives on Microlithization | [Bleed, 2002 #19031] |
Journal Article | 2019 | Bemmann, Jan | Karabalgasun – Stadt der Nomaden: Die archäologischen Ausgrabungen in der frühuigurischen Hauptstadt 2009–2011 by Burkart Dähne (review) | Asian Perspectives: The Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific | [Bemmann, 2019 #18987] |
Journal Article | 2019 | Higham, Charles | First Islanders: Prehistory and Human Migration in Island Southeast Asia by Peter Bellwood (review) | Asian Perspectives: The Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific | [Higham, 2019 #18986] |
Journal Article | 2019 | Glover, Lauren | Overlooked Imports: Carnelian Beads in the Korean Peninsula | Asian Perspectives: The Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific | [Glover, 2019 #18985] |
Journal Article | 2019 | Walsh, Rory | Ceramics and Society in Mahan and Paekche: A Comparison of Pottery Geochemistry and Craft Production Patterns at the Sites of P'ungnap T'osŏng and Kwangju Palsan | Asian Perspectives: The Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific | [Walsh, 2019 #18984] |
Journal Article | 2019 | Davey, Jack | Culture Contact and Cultural Boundaries in Iron Age Southern Korea | Asian Perspectives: The Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific | [Davey, 2019 #18983] |
Journal Article | 2019 | Blackmore, Hari | A Critical Examination of Models Regarding a Han 韓 – Ye 濊 Ethnic Division in Proto-Historic Central Korea, and Further Implications | Asian Perspectives: The Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific | [Blackmore, 2019 #18982] |
Journal Article | 2019 | Lee, Rachel J. | Gendered Spaces of Prehistoric Households: A Geospatial Analysis of Mumun Period Pithouses from South Korea | Asian Perspectives: The Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific | [Lee, 2019 #18981] |
Journal Article | 2019 | Burge, Marjorie | Wooden Inscriptions and the Culture of Writing in Sabi Paekche | Asian Perspectives: The Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific | [Burge, 2019 #18980] |
Journal Article | 2019 | Lee, Dennis | Paekche King Kŭnch'ogo's Twisted Journey to the South: A Textual and Archaeological Perspective | Asian Perspectives: The Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific | [Lee, 2019 #18979] |
Journal Article | 2019 | Byington, Mark E. | Identification and Chronology of some Koguryŏ Royal Tombs | Asian Perspectives: The Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific | [Byington, 2019 #18978] |
Journal Article | 2019 | Davey, Jack | Early Korea: Re-thinking Boundaries and Identities | Asian Perspectives: The Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific | [Davey, 2019 #18977] |
Book Section in a Series | 1993 | Mithen, Steven | Simulating Mammoth Hunting and Extinction: Implications for the Late Pleistocene of the Central Russian Plain | Hunting and Animal Exploitation in the Later Palaeolithic and Mesolithic of Eurasia | [Mithen, 1993 #25235] |
Book Section in a Series | 1993 | Shea, John J. | Lithic Use-Wear Evidence for Hunting by Neandertals and Early Modern Humans from the Levantine Mousterian | Hunting and Animal Exploitation in the Later Palaeolithic and Mesolithic of Eurasia | [Shea, 1993 #25233] |
Book Section in a Series | 1993 | Olszewski, Deborah I. | Zarzian Microliths from Warwasi Rockshelter, Iran: Scalene Triangles as Arrow Components | Hunting and Animal Exploitation in the Later Palaeolithic and Mesolithic of Eurasia | [Olszewski, 1993 #25232] |
Book Section in a Series | 1993 | Lieberman, Daniel E. | Variability in Hunter-Gatherer Seasonal Mobility in the Southern Levant: From the Mousterian to the Natufian | Hunting and Animal Exploitation in the Later Palaeolithic and Mesolithic of Eurasia | [Lieberman, 1993 #25231] |
Book Section in a Series | 1993 | Neeley, Michael P. | The Human Food Niche in the Levant Over the Past 150,000 Years | Hunting and Animal Exploitation in the Later Palaeolithic and Mesolithic of Eurasia | [Neeley, 1993 #25230] |
Book Section in a Series | 1990 | Nelson, Sarah M. | Diversity of the Upper Paleolithic "Venus" Figurines and Archeological Mythology | Powers of Observation: Alternative Views in Archeology | [Nelson, 1990 #25225] |
Book in a Series (Edited) | 1993 | Peterkin, Gail Larsen | Hunting and Animal Exploitation in the Later Palaeolithic and Mesolithic of Eurasia | [Peterkin, 1993 #22021] | |
Journal Article | 2016 | Fuller, Dorian Q. | Pathways of rice diversification across Asia | Archaeology International | [Fuller, 2016 #27553] |
Book Section | 2015 | Anfinset, Nils | Documenting copper mining and smelting technology | Metals and civilizations | [Anfinset, 2015 #22384] |
Book | 2012 | Rabett, Ryan J. | Human adaptation in the Asian Palaeolithic: hominin dispersal and behaviour during the late Quaternary | [Rabett, 2012 #19834] | |
Book | 1959 | Fairservis, Walter Ashlin | The origins of oriental civilization | Mentor: Ancient Civilizations | [Fairservis, 1959 #19846] |
Book | 1963 | Welty, Paul Thomas | The Asians: their heritage and their destiny | [Welty, 1963 #19855] | |
Book Section | 2015 | Bellwood, Peter | Migration and the origins of Homo sapiens | Emergence and diversity of modern human behavior in paleolithic Asia | [Bellwood, 2015 #22548] |
Book Section | 2015 | Yosuke Kaifu, | Modern human dispersal and behavior in paleolithic Asia: summary and discussion | Emergence and diversity of modern human behavior in paleolithic Asia | [Yosuke 2015 #22541] |
Journal Article | 2014 | Wright, Joshua | Review of "Archaeology of Asia" by Miriam T. Stark | Asian Perspectives (2013) | [Wright, 2014 #28086] |
Book | 2008 | Gordon, Stewart | When Asia was the world | [Gordon, 2008 #20007] | |
Book (Edited) | 2012 | Daly, Patrick | Routledge Handbook of Heritage in Asia | [Daly, 2012 #21409] | |
Map | 1999 | Steinshouer, Douglas W. | Maps showing geology, oil and gas fields, and geological provinces of the Asia Pacific region | World Energy Project | [Steinshouer, 1999 #36112] |