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Ref ID: 22384
Ref Type: Book Section
Authors: Anfinset, Nils
Title: Documenting copper mining and smelting technology
Date: 2015
Source: Metals and civilizations
Place of Publication: Bangalore, India
Publisher: National Institute of Advanced Studies
Notes: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on the Beginnings of the Use of Metals and Alloys (BUMA VII)
Abstract: This article presents research on contemporary copper mining and smelting of copper in Western Nepal, by describing the technological process and its social setting through an ethnoarchaeological study. Not much is known about copper mining and smelting in general, beyond a few historical sources from India and Africa. The article describes in detail how the mining was performed as well as rituals and taboos connected to this. After this a description is given for the three-stage copper smelting, and lastly placing the practise into a large culturehistorical framework.
Date Created: 4/11/2016
Editors: Srinivasam, Sharada
Ranganathan, Srinivasa
Giumlia-Mair, Alessandra
Page Start: 223
Page End: 232
