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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2019 Samper Carro, Sofía C. Somewhere beyond the sea: human cranial remains from the Lesser Sunda Islands (Alor Island, Indonesia) provide insights on Late Pleistocene peopling of Island Southeast Asia Journal of Human Evolution [Samper 2019 #18913]
Journal Article 2019 Pawlik, Alfred Burial traditions in early Mid-Holocene Island Southeast Asia: new evidence from Bubog-1, Ilin Island, Mindoro Occidental Antiquity [Pawlik, 2019 #18914]
Journal Article 2019 Bulbeck, David Patterned and plain baked clay from pre-pottery contexts in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia Antiquity [Bulbeck, 2019 #18935]
Journal Article 2019 Teixeira, João C. Using hominin introgression to trace modern human dispersals PNAS [Teixeira, 2019 #18942]
Journal Article 2019 Klamer, Marian The dispersal of Austronesian languages in Island South East Asia: current findings and debates Language and Lingustics Compass [Klamer, 2019 #18962]
Journal Article 2020 Calo, Ambra Trans-Asiatic exchange of glass, gold and bronze: analysis of finds from the late prehistoric Pangkung Paruk site, Bali Antiquity [Calo, 2020 #19015]
Journal Article 2020 Rizal, Yan Last appearance of Homo erectus at Ngandong, Java, 117,000-108,000 years ago Nature [Rizal, 2020 #19021]
Journal Article 2020 Yew Seng Tai The impact of Ming and Qing dynasty maritime bans on trade ceramics recovered from coastal settlements in northern Sumatra, Indonesia Archaeological Research in Asia [Yew 2020 #19044]
Journal Article 2020 Fuentes, Riczar Stuck within notches: direct evidence of plant processing during the last glacial maximum to Holocene in North Sulawesi Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports [Fuentes, 2020 #19618]
Book Beaufort, L. F. de Zoögeographie van den indischen archipel Volks-universiteits bibliotheck [Beaufort, #19874]
Book 1973 Howells, W. W. The Pacific Islanders [Howells, 1973 #20058]
Book 1726 Valentijn, François Oud en nieuw Oost-Indien [Valentijn, 1726 #20129]
Book 1986 Terrell, John Prehistory in the Pacific Islands: a study of variation in language, customs, and human biology [Terrell, 1986 #20149]
Book 1958 van Heekeren, Hendrik Robert The bronze-iron Age of Indonesia [van 1958 #21053]
Book 1979 Flenley, John R. The equatorial rain forest: a geological history [Flenley, 1979 #21239]
Book (Edited) 1990 Atkinson, Jane Monning Power and difference: gender in island Southeast Asia [Atkinson, 1990 #21370]
Book in a Series 1957 van Heekeren, Hendrik Robert The stone age of Indonesia [van 1957 #22004]
Book Section 2010 Manguin, Pierre-Yves The Maldives connection: pre-modern Malay World shipping across the Indian Ocean Civilisations des mondes insulaires (Madagascar, îles du canal de Mozambique, Mascareignes, Polynésie, Guyanes): Mélanges en l'honneur du Professeur Claude Allibert [Manguin, 2010 #22222]
Book Section 2018 Hung, Hsiao-chun History and current debates in island Southeast Asia Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology [Hung, 2018 #22232]
Book Section 2017 Kelly, Mary Clare Swete Early pottery in island Southeast Asia Handbook of East and Southeast Asian Archaeology [Kelly, 2017 #22299]
Book Section 2017 Hoogervorst, Tom Tracing maritime connections between island Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean world The Routledge Handbook of Archaeology and Globalization [Hoogervorst, 2017 #22325]
Book Section 2011 Barton, H. Prehistoric vegeculture and social life in island Southeast Asia and Melanesia Anthropological and archaeological approaches to foraging-farming transitions in southeast Asia [Barton, 2011 #22354]
Book Section 2001 De Vos, J. First settlements: relations between continental and island Southeast Asia Origine des peuplements et chronologie des cultures paléolithiques dans le sud-est asiatique [De 2001 #22372]
Book Section 2014 O'Connor, Sue Early modern humans in island Southeast Asia and Sahul: adaptive and creative societies with simple lithic industries Southern Asia, Australia, and the search for human origins [O'Connor, 2014 #22525]
Book Section 2014 Piper, Philip J. Late Pleistocene subsistence strategies in island Southeast Asia and their implications for understanding the development of modern human behaviour Southern Asia, Australia, and the search for human origins [Piper, 2014 #22527]
Book Section 2014 Morwood, M. J. Faunal biogeography in island Southeast Asia: implications for early hominin and modern human dispersals Southern Asia, Australia, and the search for human origins [Morwood, 2014 #22528]
Book Section 2015 O'Connor, Sue Crossing the Wallace Line: the maritime skills of the earliest colonists in the Wallacean archipelago Emergence and diversity of modern human behavior in paleolithic Asia [O'Connor, 2015 #22542]
Book Section 2015 Rintaro Ono, Maritime migration and lithic assemblage on the Talaud Islands in northern Wallacea during the late Pleistocene to the early Holocene Emergence and diversity of modern human behavior in paleolithic Asia [Rintaro 2015 #22543]
Book Section 2011 Gibson, Thomas Egalitarian islands in a predatory sea Anarchic solidarity: autonomy, equality, and fellowship in Southeast Asia [Gibson, 2011 #22550]
Book Section 2011 MacDonald, Charles A theoretical overview of anarchic solidarity Anarchic solidarity: autonomy, equality, and fellowship in Southeast Asia [MacDonald, 2011 #22559]