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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1984 Rajah, Ananda 'Au' ma xae: domestic ritual and the ideology of kinship among the Sgaw Karen of Palokhi, Northern Thailand Mankind [Rajah, 1984 #30332]
Journal Article 2016 Penny, Dan 'Here be dragons': integrating scientific data and place-based observation for environmental management Applied Geography [Penny, 2016 #27630]
Journal Article 1997 Loofs-Wissowa, Helmut 'Hill of Prosperity': state-of-the-art of the publication of Khok Charoen site, Lopburi Province, Thailand Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Loofs-Wissowa, 1997 #35538]
Journal Article 1962 de Beauclair, Inez 'Ken-pai', a glass bracelet from Yap Asian Perspectives (1961) [de 1962 #33570]
Journal Article 1965 Sternstein, Larry 'Krung Kao': the old capital of Ayutthaya Journal of the Siam Society [Sternstein, 1965 #34167]
Journal Article 1963 Khatri, A. P. 'Mahadevian': an Oldowan pebble culture of India Asian Perspectives (1962) [Khatri, 1963 #33515]
Journal Article 2010 Tan, Noel Hidalgo 'New' rock art from Gua Tambun, Perak, Malaysia Rock Art Research [Tan, 2010 #28178]
Journal Article 2003 Veldhuijzen, Harald Alexander 'Slag_Fun' - a new tool for archaeometallurgy: development of an analytical (P)ED-XRF method for iron-rich materials Papers from the Institute of Archaeology [Veldhuijzen, 2003 #28541]
Journal Article 1964 Quaritch-Wales, H. G. 'Some ancient human skeletons excavated in Siam': a correction Man [Quaritch-Wales, 1964 #34447]
Journal Article 1984 Emmerson, Donald K. 'Southeast Asia': what's in a name? Journal of Southeast Asian Studies [Emmerson, 1984 #31661]
Journal Article 1982 Rhoads, James W. 'Through a glass darkly': thesis summary Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Rhoads, 1982 #35778]
Journal Article 1993 Kulke, Hermann "Kadātuan Śrīvijaya" - empire or kraton of Śrīvijaya?: a reassessment of the epigraphical evidence Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Kulke, 1993 #32029]
Journal Article 1985 Gesick, Lorraine "Reading the landscape": reflections on a sacred site in south Thailand Journal of the Siam Society [Gesick, 1985 #36776]
Journal Article 1988 Vien Thieu, « Chat Thuong » tren hoa van trong dong. Nhan ki niem 700 nam chien thang Bach Dang [ « Thoung » character of decorations on bronze drums. On the occasion of the 700th anniversary of Bach Dang victory] Khao Co Hoc [Vien 1988 #31061]
Journal Article 1995 Chen, G. S. [A statistical analysis of oral squamous cell carcinoma] Kao-Hsiung I Hsueh Ko Hsueh Tsa Chih [Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences] [Chen, 1995 #35014]
Journal Article 1974 Möller, I. J. [Betel chewing seems to have cariostatic effect] Tandlaegebladet [Möller, 1974 #35088]
Journal Article 1969 Engelkes, G. [Betel nuts and dental remedies. A brief look at ancient folk remedies] Quintessenz [Engelkes, 1969 #34992]
Journal Article 1985 Knudsen, B. [Dental diseases and betel chewing among Maldivian school children] Tandlaegebladet [Knudsen, 1985 #34942]
Journal Article 1995 Li, Y. M. [Health behavior in Hualien city high school students] Journal of Formosan Medical Association [Li, 1995 #34947]
Journal Article 1987 Sato, T. [High-risk factors in the development of head and neck cancers] Gan To Kagaku Ryoho (Japanese Journal of Cancer and Chemotherapy) [Sato, 1987 #35125]
Journal Article 1975 Lauer, H. H. [On tradition of exotic drugs: faufal (Areca catechu L.)--the betel nut] American Journal of Clinical Nutrition [Lauer, 1975 #34950]
Journal Article 1966 Lauer, H. H. [On tradition of exotic drugs: faufal (Areca catechu L.)--the betel nut] Sudhoffs Archiv Vierteljahrsschr Gesch Med Naturwiss Pharm Math [Lauer, 1966 #34951]
Journal Article 1985 Capdevielle-Pardies, P. [Quid of betel] Medicina Tropical [Capdevielle-Pardies, 1985 #35006]
Journal Article 1993 Wolfsperger, M. [Reconstruction of the nutritional behavior based on trace elements in human skeletal remains. A critical overview] Anthropologischer Anzeiger [Wolfsperger, 1993 #34432]
Journal Article 1995 Yang, M. S. [Risk factors related to alcohol use among adolescents of fathers with alcoholism] Kao-Hsiung I Hsueh Ko Hsueh Tsa Chih [Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences] [Yang, 1995 #35058]
Journal Article 1992 Ko, Y. C. [Risk factors related to the use of amphetamines in adolescent students] Kao-Hsiung I Hsueh Ko Hsueh Tsa Chih [Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences] [Ko, 1992 #34955]
Journal Article 1987 Grupe, Giseka [Trace elements in buried human bones and their value. A review] Anthropologischer Anzeiger [Grupe, 1987 #34692]
Journal Article 1990 Minagawa, Masao \iJinrui no shokuseitai\i (subsistence ecology of human kind) Kagaku [Minagawa, 1990 #34586]
Journal Article 2000 Maloney, B.K. Borassodendron (palmae) in Southeast Asian fossil pollen record BLUMEA [Maloney, 2000 #37280]
Journal Article 2019 Fuller, Dorian Q. Cajanus cajan (L.) Mill sp. origins and domestication: the South and Southeast Asian archaeobotanical evidence Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution [Fuller, 2019 #18957]