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Ref ID: 37280
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Maloney, B.K.
Title: Borassodendron (palmae) in Southeast Asian fossil pollen record
Date: 2000
Source: BLUMEA
Abstract: Borasodendron machadonis pollen ocurred throughout the Holocene pollen record of Nong Thale Song Hong, Thailand, until about 4000 BP. It was also present in one sample from Khok Phanom Di, Thailand, and in the Mahakam Delta, Kalimantan, records, but B. machadonis has not been reported from the modern flora of Kalimantan. Borasodendron machadonis  pollen differs greatly from that of B. borneese, which is found on the island of Borneo.
Volume: 45
Number: 2
Page Start: 427
Page End: 432