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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1995 Chen, G. S. [A statistical analysis of oral squamous cell carcinoma] Kao-Hsiung I Hsueh Ko Hsueh Tsa Chih [Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences] [Chen, 1995 #35014]
Journal Article 1974 Möller, I. J. [Betel chewing seems to have cariostatic effect] Tandlaegebladet [Möller, 1974 #35088]
Journal Article 1969 Engelkes, G. [Betel nuts and dental remedies. A brief look at ancient folk remedies] Quintessenz [Engelkes, 1969 #34992]
Journal Article 1985 Knudsen, B. [Dental diseases and betel chewing among Maldivian school children] Tandlaegebladet [Knudsen, 1985 #34942]
Journal Article 1995 Li, Y. M. [Health behavior in Hualien city high school students] Journal of Formosan Medical Association [Li, 1995 #34947]
Journal Article 1987 Sato, T. [High-risk factors in the development of head and neck cancers] Gan To Kagaku Ryoho (Japanese Journal of Cancer and Chemotherapy) [Sato, 1987 #35125]
Journal Article 1975 Lauer, H. H. [On tradition of exotic drugs: faufal (Areca catechu L.)--the betel nut] American Journal of Clinical Nutrition [Lauer, 1975 #34950]
Journal Article 1966 Lauer, H. H. [On tradition of exotic drugs: faufal (Areca catechu L.)--the betel nut] Sudhoffs Archiv Vierteljahrsschr Gesch Med Naturwiss Pharm Math [Lauer, 1966 #34951]
Journal Article 1985 Capdevielle-Pardies, P. [Quid of betel] Medicina Tropical [Capdevielle-Pardies, 1985 #35006]
Journal Article 1995 Yang, M. S. [Risk factors related to alcohol use among adolescents of fathers with alcoholism] Kao-Hsiung I Hsueh Ko Hsueh Tsa Chih [Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences] [Yang, 1995 #35058]
Journal Article 1992 Ko, Y. C. [Risk factors related to the use of amphetamines in adolescent students] Kao-Hsiung I Hsueh Ko Hsueh Tsa Chih [Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences] [Ko, 1992 #34955]
Journal Article 1986 Dunn, B. P. 32P-postlabelling analysis of aromatic DNA adducts in human oral mucosal cells Carcinogenesis [Dunn, 1986 #34994]
Book 1974 Price, J. A behavioral study of the effects of betel chewing. Report No. 7 [Price, 1974 #21173]
Journal Article 1990 Sinor, P. N. A case-control study of oral submucous fibrosis with special reference to the etiologic role of areca nut Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine [Sinor, 1990 #35043]
Journal Article 1996 Babu, S. A comparative clinico-pathological study of oral submucous fibrosis in habitual chewers of pan masala and betelquid Journal of Toxicology. Clinical Toxicology. [Babu, 1996 #34975]
Book 1966 Burkill, I. H. A dictionary of the economic products of the Malay peninsula [Burkill, 1966 #21177]
Journal Article 1979 Abraham, S. K. A preliminary assessment of possible mutagenicity of betel nut and ingredients of the betel quid when administered alone or in combinations to larvae of Drosophila melanogaster Mutation Research [Abraham, 1979 #35022]
Journal Article 1988 Rajendran, R. A rare human model for oncogenesis Singapore Dental Journal [Rajendran, 1988 #35140]
Journal Article 1976 Kwan, H. W. A statistical study on oral carcinomas in Taiwan with emphasis on the relationship with betel nut chewing: a preliminary report Taiwan I Hsueh Hui Tsa Chih (Journal of the Formosan Medical Association) [Kwan, 1976 #34952]
Journal Article 1984 Wenke, G. A study of betel quid carcinogenesis. IV. Analysis of the saliva of betel chewers: A preliminary report Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology [Wenke, 1984 #35064]
Journal Article 1986 Gothoskar, S. V. A study on the parotid gland tumor induced in Swiss mice by tanin containing fraction of betelnut Indian Journal of Experimental Botany [Gothoskar, 1986 #34921]
Journal Article 1993 Fitton, J. S. A tooth ablation custom occurring in the Maldives British Dental Journal [Fitton, 1993 #34926]
Journal Article 1985 Cunningham, L. Acute lead poisoning from the betel nut. A case report Journal of Tennessee Medical Association [Cunningham, 1985 #35005]
Journal Article 1991 Raisuddin, S. Aflatoxin in betel nut and its control by use of food preservatives Food Additives and Contaminants [Raisuddin, 1991 #35139]
Journal Article 1972 Mehta, F. S. An epidemiologic study of oral cancer and precancerous conditions among 101,761 villagers in Maharashtra, India International Journal of Cancer [Mehta, 1972 #34933]
Journal Article 1964 Gupta, O. P. An epidemiological study of periodontal disease in Trivandrum, India (Abstract) Journal of Dental Research [Gupta, 1964 #34920]
Journal Article 1997 Haque, M. F. An immunohistochemical study of oral submucous fibrosis Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine [Haque, 1997 #34917]
Journal Article 1987 Meghji, S. An in-vitro comparison of human fibroblasts from normal and oral submucous fibrosis tissue Archives of Oral Biology [Meghji, 1987 #34935]
Journal Article 1997 Strickland, S. S. Anthropometric status and resting metabolic rate in users of the areca nut and smokers of tobacco in rural Sarawak [In Process Citation] Annals of Human Biology [Strickland, 1997 #35027]
Journal Article 1988 Wary, K. K. Aqueous extract of betel-nut of north-east India induces DNA-strand breaks and enhances rate of cell proliferation in vitro. Effects of betel-nut extract in vitro Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology [Wary, 1988 #35067]