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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Conference Proceeding 1978 Lee, C. S. A brief introduction to Taiwan Paleogene larger foraminifers and their distribution with emphasis upon the new occurrence of <i>Assilina formosensis</i> Hanzawa Geographical Journal [Lee, 1978 #26538]
Book Section 2000 Blundell, David A century of research, 1897-1997, Austronesian Taiwan Austronesian Taiwan: linguistics, history, ethnology, and prehistory [Blundell, 2000 #24102]
Journal Article 2003 Pietrusewsky, Michael A preliminary assessment of health and disease in human skeletal remains from Shi San Hang: a prehistoric aboriginal site on Taiwan Anthropological Science [Pietrusewsky, 2003 #31257]
Journal Article 2014 Kuan-Wen Wang. A review of glass compositions around the South China Sea region (the late 1st millennium BC to the 1st millennium AD): placing iron age glass beads from Taiwan in context Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology [Kuan-Wen 2014 #28043]
Journal Article 1964 Chang, Kwang-chih A selected bibliography of Taiwan archaeology 1953-1962 Asian Perspectives (1963) [Chang, 1964 #33478]
Journal Article 1971 Yen-ho Wu, David A short history of archaeological studies in Taiwan from 1895 to 1949: with a bibliography Asian Perspectives (1969) [Yen-ho 1971 #33320]
Journal Article 2004 Hung, Hsiao-Chun A sourcing study of Taiwan stone adzes Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Hung, 2004 #30548]
Journal Article 1930 Kano, T. About goat worship of the Yami of Botel Tobago (Kotosho Yami on shuai ni tsuite) Jinruigaku zashi [Kano, 1930 #29458]
Journal Article 1949 Chang, Chuan-sheng Anthropologische untersuchungen über die schädel von Atayal in Formosa Bulletins of the Anatomy Department of the National Taiwan University [Chang, 1949 #35377]
Journal Article 2003 Bellwood, Peter Archaeological and palaeoenvironmental research in Batanes and Ilocos Norte Provinces, northern Philippines Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Bellwood, 2003 #31202]
Journal Article 1970 Pearson, Richard Archaeological investigations in Eastern Taiwan Asian Perspectives (1968) [Pearson, 1970 #33432]
Thesis-PhD 1977 Dewar, R. E. Archaeology as ecological anthropology in central Taiwan [Dewar, 1977 #36501]
Journal Article 1997 Blundell, David Archaeology, cultural resource management, and the Pacific: a look at the east coast of Taiwan Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Blundell, 1997 #31746]
Journal Article 2005 Iizuka, Y. Archaeomineralogy of Taiwan nephrite: sourcing study of nephrite artifacts from the Philippines Journal of Austronesian Studies [Iizuka, 2005 #30183]
Book Section in a Series 1996 Spriggs, Matthew Archéologie insulaire Le Pacifique, ou, L’odyssée de l’espèce: bilan civilisationniste du grand océan [Spriggs, 1996 #25613]
Book (Edited) 1998 Newton, Douglas Arts des mers du Sud : Insulinde, Mélanésie, Polynésie, Micronésie : Collections du musée Barbier-Muelle [Newton, 1998 #21545]
Journal Article 2017 Sagart, Laurent Austronesian and Chinese words for the millets Language Dynamics and Change [Sagart, 2017 #26896]
Book (Edited) 2000 Blundell, David Austronesian Taiwan : Linguistics, history, ethnology, and prehistory [Blundell, 2000 #21547]
Journal Article 1973 Wu, Wei-lan Bibliography of Taiwan archaeology from 1950 to 1968 Asian Perspectives (1972) [Wu, 1973 #33259]
Journal Article 2000 Li Kuang-ti, Change and stability in the dietary system of prehistoric O-Luan-Pi inhabitants in southern Taiwan Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Li 2000 #35174]
Journal Article 2000 Chao Chin-yung, Changkuang: a neolithic burial site on the eastern coast of Taiwan Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Chao 2000 #35193]
Report 1969 Sung, Wen-hsun Changpinian: a newly discovered preceramic culture from the agglomerate caves on the east coast of Taiwan - preliminary report [Sung, 1969 #36217]
Book Section 2005 Bellwood, Peter Coastal South China, Taiwan, and the prehistory of the Austronesians The archaeology of the southeast coastal islands of China [Bellwood, 2005 #24112]
Journal Article 1991 Spriggs, Matthew Considering Meacham's considerations on Southeast Asia Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Spriggs, 1991 #35571]
Journal Article 2006 Wu, Eleanor B. Morris Cultural resource management of Taipei's indigenous folk temples Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Wu, 2006 #30040]
Journal Article 1984 Turner, Christy G., II Diachronic differences in Taiwan dental morphology Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Turner, 1984 #35749]
Journal Article 2016 Lee, Cheng-Yi Diet and subsistence mode of Neolithic Yuan-Shan people in Taiwan: Perspective from carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses of bone collagen Archaeological Research in Asia [Lee, 2016 #27027]
Journal Article 2017 Lee, Cheng-Yi Dietary reconstruction of the Iron Age population at the Fantzuyuan site, Taiwan, revealed by isotopic analysis on human and faunal bone collagen Archaeological Research in Asia [Lee, 2017 #27028]
Journal Article July 2022 Deng, Zhenhua Early Austronesians cultivated rice and millet together: tracing Taiwan’s first Neolithic crops Frontiers in Plant Science [Deng, July 2022 #37059]
Journal Article 1981 Dewar, Robert Ecological context and the prehistory of the West Central Taiwan coast Asian Perspectives (1978) [Dewar, 1981 #33111]