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Ref ID: 35749
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Turner, Christy G., II
Lien, Chao-Mei
Title: Diachronic differences in Taiwan dental morphology
Date: 1984
Source: Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association
Abstract: This paper shows that there are a number of significant differences in the frequencies of maxillary dental crown and root traits in a much-studied ethnographically-derived Taiwan Atayal cranial series when compared with a newly composed archaeologically-derived series. The majority of frequency differences are in the direction of mainland Chinese as represented by crania from the Shang Dynasty site of Anyang. This suggests that the Atayal are genetically admixed. It is our opinion that the Atayal should no longer be used in comparative investigations as representative of aboriginal Taiwan. All previous studies where this series has been employed as representing aboriginal Taiwan should be re-assessed in light of our finding of probable mainland Chinese admixture.
Date Created: 3/3/2001
Volume: 5
Page Start: 74
Page End: 82
