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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2007 Bentley, R. Alexander Lapita migrants in the PacificÂ’s oldest cemetery: isotopic analysis at Teouma, Vanuatu American Antiquity [Bentley, 2007 #29277]
Journal Article 2021 Guo, Jianxin Genomic insights into Neolithic farming-related migrations in the junction of East and Southeast Asia American Journal of Biological Anthropology [Guo, 2021 #37318]
Journal Article 2014 Duggan, Ana T. Maternal history of Oceania from complete mtDNA genomes: contrasting ancient diversity with recent homogenization due to the Austronesian expansion American Journal of Human Genetics [Duggan, 2014 #26620]
Journal Article 2014 Matsumura, H. Demographic transitions and migration in prehistoric East/Southeast Asia through the lens of nonmetric dental traits American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Matsumura, 2014 #27716]
Journal Article 1990 Turner, Christy G., II Major features of sundadonty and sinodonty, including suggestions about East Asian microevolution, population history, and late Pleistocene relationships with Australian Aboriginals American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Turner, 1990 #34465]
Journal Article 1991 Li, Yongyi Dimensions of face in Asia in the perspective of geography and prehistory American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Li, 1991 #34604]
Journal Article 2008 Petit, Pierre Rethinking internal migrations in Lao PDR: the resettlement process under micro-analysis Anthropological Forum [Petit, 2008 #29231]
Journal Article 1975 Carter, George F. Some comments on the Egyptians in the Indo-Pacific region Anthropological Journal of Canada [Carter, 1975 #35254]
Journal Article 2000 Aoki, Kenichi Hanihara's conundrum revisitied: theoretical estimates of the immigration into Japan during the 1,000 year period from 300 B.C. to A.D. 700 Anthropological Science [Aoki, 2000 #31975]
Journal Article 2002 Saruwatari, Lei Peopling of Myanmar as demonstrated by genotyping of urinary JC virus DNA Anthropological Science [Saruwatari, 2002 #31979]
Journal Article 1995 Bellwood, Peter On "Chinese" migrations into Neolithic Southeast Asia Anthropological Science [Bellwood, 1995 #31996]
Journal Article 1932 Heine-Geldern, Robert Urheimat und früheste Wanderungen der Austronesier Anthropos [Heine-Geldern, 1932 #35240]
Journal Article June 2022 Hung, Hsiao-chun Preceramic riverside hunter-gatherers and the arrival of Neolithic farmers in northern Luzon Antiquity
[Hung, June 2022 #37066]
Journal Article 2019 Kaifu, Yousuke Palaeolithic seafaring in East Asia: testing the bamboo raft hypothesis Antiquity [Kaifu, 2019 #19013]
Journal Article 2014 Skelly, Robert Tracking ancient beach-lines inland: 2600-year-old dentate-stamped ceramics at Hopo, Vailala River region, Papua New Guinea Antiquity [Skelly, 2014 #26775]
Journal Article 2013 Fitzpatrick, Scott M. Estimating trajectories of colonisation to the Mariana Islands, western Pacific Antiquity [Fitzpatrick, 2013 #26794]
Journal Article 2009 Piper, Philip J. A 4000-year old introduction of domestic pigs into the Philippine archipelago: implications for understanding routes of human migration through island Southeast Asia and Wallacea Antiquity [Piper, 2009 #26798]
Journal Article 2011 Barker, Graeme Foraging-farming transitions at the Niah Caves, Sarawak, Borneo Antiquity [Barker, 2011 #28473]
Journal Article 1993 Spriggs, Matthew Late colonization of east Polynesia Antiquity [Spriggs, 1993 #35526]
Journal Article 2022 Hung, Hsiao-chun Preceramic riverside hunter-gatherers and the arrival of Neolithic farmers in northern Luzon Antiquity [Hung, 2022 #36999]
Journal Article 2016 Hazarika, Manjil Tracing post-Pleistocene human movements and cultural connections of the eastern Himalayan region with the Tibetan plateau Archaeological Research in Asia [Hazarika, 2016 #27015]
Journal Article 2021 Bentley, R. Alexander Kinship and migration in prehistoric mainland Southeast Asia: an overview of isotopic evidence Archaeological Research in Asia [Bentley, 2021 #36900]
Journal Article December 2022 Newman, Kim The missing deposits of South Sulawesi: New sources of evidence for the Pleistocene/Holocene archaeological transition Archaeological Research in Asia [Newman, December 2022 #37053]
Journal Article 1997 Bellwood, Peter Ancient seafarers Archaeology [Bellwood, 1997 #30222]
Book Section in a Series 1998 Driem, George van Neolithic correlates of ancient Tibeto-Burman migrations Archaeology and language II: correlating archaeological and linguistic hypotheses [Driem, 1998 #25944]
Journal Article 2004 Knudson, K. J. The use of strontium isotope analysis to investigate Tiwanaku migration and mortuary ritual in Bolivia and Peru Archaeometry [Knudson, 2004 #30708]
Journal Article 2002 Price, T. D. The characterization of biologically available strontium isotope ratios for the study of prehistoric migration Archaeometry [Price, 2002 #33692]
Journal Article 2017 Basak, Bishnupriya Earliest dates of microlithic industries (42-25 ka) from West Bengal, Eastern India: new light on modern human occupation in the Indian subcontinent Asian Perspectives [Basak, 2017 #26926]
Journal Article 1984 Takayama, Jun Early pottery and population movements in Micronesian prehistory Asian Perspectives (1981) [Takayama, 1984 #33079]
Journal Article 2005 Burley, David Mid-sequence archaeology at the Sigatoka Sand Dunes with interpretive implications for Fijian and Oceanic culture history Asian Perspectives (2005) [Burley, 2005 #30362]