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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2002 Sosis, Richard Patch choice decisions among Ifaluk fishers American Anthropologist [Sosis, 2002 #33743]
Journal Article 2016 Fuller, Dorian Q. Pathways of rice diversification across Asia Archaeology International [Fuller, 2016 #27553]
Journal Article 1995 White, Joyce C. Modeling the development of early rice agriculture: ethnoecological perspectives from northeast Thailand Asian Perspectives (1995) [White, 1995 #32842]
Journal Article 2002 Cauchois, Mickaelle-Hinanui Dryland horticulture in Maupiti: an ethnoarchaeological study Asian Perspectives (2002) [Cauchois, 2002 #31897]
Journal Article 2007 Bauer, Andrew M. Toward a political ecology in early South India: preliminary considerations of the sociopolitics of land and animal use in the southern Deccan, Neolithic through Early Historic periods Asian Perspectives (2007) [Bauer, 2007 #29999]
Journal Article 1967 Lewitz, Saveros La toponymie khmère Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Lewitz, 1967 #32127]
Journal Article 1988 Murty, M. L. K. Rice and tuber crops in the Eastern Ghats (India): an ethnoecological perspective Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Murty, 1988 #35731]
Book Section 1989 Kunstadter, Peter The end of the frontier: culture and environmental interactions in Thailand Culture and environment in Thailand [Kunstadter, 1989 #25000]
Book Section 1989 Moerman, Michael Changes in a village's relations with its environment Culture and environment in Thailand [Moerman, 1989 #25015]
Book Section 1989 Khanittanan, Wilaiwan The order of the natural world as recorded in Tai languages Culture and environment in Thailand [Khanittanan, 1989 #25020]
Book Section 1989 Wongthes, Pranee Art, culture and environment of Thai-Lao-speaking groups Culture and environment in Thailand [Wongthes, 1989 #25024]
Book Section 1989 van Liere, W. J. Mon-Khmer approaches to the environment Culture and environment in Thailand [van 1989 #25025]
Journal Article 1998 Utsunomiya, Naoki Diospyros species in Thailand: their distribution, fruit morphology and uses Economic Botany [Utsunomiya, 1998 #33838]
Journal Article 1995 Reid, Anthony Humans and forests in pre-colonial Southeast Asia Environment and History [Reid, 1995 #28891]
Journal Article 1992 Toledo, Victor What is ethnoecology Ethnoecologia [Toledo, 1992 #34467]
Journal Article 1965 Barrau, Jacques Witness of the past: notes on some food plants of Oceania Ethnology [Barrau, 1965 #33895]
Journal Article 1980 Rambo, Terry A. Of stones and stars: Malaysian Orang Asli environmental knowledge in relation to their adaptation to the tropical rain forest Federation Museums Journal [Rambo, 1980 #31552]
Journal Article 1979 Rambo, Terry A. Human ecology of the Orang Asli: a review of research on the environment relations of the Aborigines of Peninsular Malaysia Federation Museums Journal [Rambo, 1979 #31556]
Journal Article 1998 Kunarattanapuk, Kiatirat Yearly household record of food from the forest for home consumption by rural villagers in north-east Thailand Food and Nutrition Bulletin [Kunarattanapuk, 1998 #30677]
Journal Article 1999 Somnasang, Prapimporn Indigenous knowledge of wild food hunting and gathering in north-east Thailand Food and Nutrition Bulletin [Somnasang, 1999 #30678]
Book Section in a Series 1989 White, Joyce C. Ethnoecological observations on wild and cultivated rice and yams in northeastern Thailand Foraging and farming: the evolution of plant exploitation [White, 1989 #26352]
Book Section in a Series 1982 Mudar, Karen M. Ethnozoology: patterns of animal exploitation in rural Negros Oriental Houses built on scattered poles: prehistory and ecology in Negros Oriental, Philippines [Mudar, 1982 #26216]
Journal Article 2003 Lepofsky, Dana Modeling ancient plant use on the northwest coast: towards an understanding of mobility and sedentism Journal of Archaeological Science [Lepofsky, 2003 #31822]
Journal Article 2000 Kress, Jonathan H. The malacoarchaeology of Palawan Island Journal of East Asian Archaeology [Kress, 2000 #31813]
Journal Article 2000 Somnasang, Prapimporn Knowing, gathering and eating: knowledge and attitudes about wild food in an Isan village in northeastern Thailand Journal of Ethnobiology [Somnasang, 2000 #33647]
Journal Article 1995 Wester, Lyndon Biological diversity and community lore in northeastern Thailand Journal of Ethnobiology [Wester, 1995 #33648]
Journal Article 1961 Rajadhon, Phya Anuman Some Siamese superstitions about trees and plants Journal of the Siam Society [Rajadhon, 1961 #34124]
Journal Article 1982 Ngo Duc Thinh, Qua bau trong van hoa truyen thong Viêt Nam va Dong Nam A [ The calabash in the traditional culture of Viêt Nam and Southeast Asia ] Khao Co Hoc [Ngo 1982 #31300]
Journal Article 1980 Dang Nghiem Van, Cac hinh thuc trong lua: tr lieu dan toc hoc [ Various forms of rice - cultivation: ethnographical data] Khao Co Hoc [Dang 1980 #31613]
Book Section in a Series 1978 Hobart, Mark The path of the soul: the legitimacy of nature in Balinese conceptions of space Natural Symbols in South East Asia [Hobart, 1978 #26317]