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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book 1919 Baudesson, Henry Indo-China and its primitive people [Baudesson, 1919 #21102]
Book 1948 Brodrick, Alan Houghton Early man: a survey of human origins [Brodrick, 1948 #21078]
Journal Article 1950 Hooijer, Dirk Albert Fossil evidence of a prehistoric Austral-Melanesoid population in Malaya and Indonesia Southwestern Journal of Anthropology [Hooijer, 1950 #32558]
Journal Article 1950 Hooijer, Dirk Albert Fossil evidence of Austromelanesian migrations in Malaysia Southwestern Journal of Anthropology [Hooijer, 1950 #35282]
Journal Article 1952 Koenigswald, Gustav Heinrich Ralph von Evidence of a prehistoric Australomelanesoid population in Malaya and Indonesia Southwestern Journal of Anthropology [Koenigswald, 1952 #34024]
Journal Article 1952 Barth, Fredrik Southern Mongoloid migration Man [Barth, 1952 #34092]
Journal Article 1961 Brandt, John H. The negrito of peninsular Thailand Journal of the Siam Society [Brandt, 1961 #34120]
Journal Article 1965 Brandt, John H. The Southeast Asian negrito Journal of the Siam Society [Brandt, 1965 #34170]
Journal Article 1965 Yengoyan, Aram A. The initial populating of the Philippines: some problems and interpretations Science Review [Yengoyan, 1965 #35205]
Journal Article 1966 Sangvichien, Sood Neolithic skeletons from the Ban Kao, Thailand, and the problem of Thai origins Current Anthropology [Sangvichien, 1966 #34537]
Book 1967 Jacob, Teuku Some problems pertaining to the racial history of the Indonesian region [Jacob, 1967 #21055]
Book 1978 Bellwood, Peter S. Man's conquest of the Pacific: the prehistory of Southeast Asia and Oceania [Bellwood, 1978 #21100]
Book 1980 Houghton, Philip The first New Zealanders [Houghton, 1980 #21209]
Book (Edited) 1980 Fox, James J. Indonesia: the making of a culture [Fox, 1980 #21535]
Journal Article 1980 Bellwood, Peter The peopling of the Pacific Scientific American [Bellwood, 1980 #30228]
Book Section 1983 Howells, W. W. Origins of the Chinese people: interpretations of the recent evidence The origins of Chinese civilization [Howells, 1983 #24836]
Journal Article 1983 Hayden, Brian Social characteristics of early Austronesian colonisers Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Hayden, 1983 #35754]
Journal Article 1984 Brace, C. Loring Human tooth size at mesolithic, neolithic, and modern levels at Niah Cave, Sarawak: comparisons with other Asian populations Sarawak Museum Journal [Brace, 1984 #34056]
Journal Article 1987 Luong Ninh, Oc eo va Phu Nam [ Oc Eo and Fu Nan ] Khao Co Hoc [Luong 1987 #31111]
Journal Article 1987 Diep Dinh Hoa, Nhan xet khao co - dan toc hoc ve nguoi Thai qua tu lieu dien da o mien tay Nghe Tinh [ Archaeo-ethniological considerations on the Thai people from field material collected in western Nghe Tinh ] Khao Co Hoc [Diep 1987 #31113]
Journal Article 1987 Turner, Christy G., II Late Pleistocene and Holocene population history of East Asia based on dental variation American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Turner, 1987 #35356]
Journal Article 1987 Thiel, Barbara Early settlement of the Philippines, eastern Indonesia, and Australia-New Guinea: a new hypothesis Current Anthropology [Thiel, 1987 #35569]
Journal Article 1989 Turner, Christy G., II Teeth and prehistory in Asia Scientific American [Turner, 1989 #35714]
Journal Article 1990 Cooper, Z. The problem of the origins of the Andamanese Bulletin of the Deccan College Research Institute [Cooper, 1990 #29832]
Journal Article 1990 Pietrusewsky, Michael Lapita-associated skeletons from Watom Island, Papua New Guinea, and the origins of the Polynesians Asian Perspectives (1988-1989) [Pietrusewsky, 1990 #32982]
Journal Article 1990 Richards, L. C. Review of "Metric and non-metric cranial variation in Australian aboriginal populations compared with populations from the Pacific and Asia" by Michael Pietrusewsky Asian Perspectives (1986-1987) [Richards, 1990 #33005]
Journal Article 1990 Pietrusewsky, Michael Review of "Out of Asia," Robert Kirk and Emoke Szathmary, editors Asian Perspectives (1986-1987) [Pietrusewsky, 1990 #33008]
Journal Article 1990 Turner, Christy G., II Major features of Sundadonty and Sinodonty, including suggestions about East Asian microevolution, population history and late Pleistocene relationships with Australian aboriginals American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Turner, 1990 #35355]
Journal Article 1991 Bartstra, Gert-Jan On the dispersion of Homo sapiens in eastern Indonesia: the palaeolithic of South Sulawesi Current Anthropology [Bartstra, 1991 #29973]
Journal Article 1991 Brace, C. Loring Human craniofacial form and the evidence for the peopling of the Pacific Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Brace, 1991 #35380]