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Ref ID: 31111
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Luong Ninh,
Title: Oc eo va Phu Nam [ Oc Eo and Fu Nan ]
Date: 1987
Source: Khao Co Hoc
Language: Vietnamese
Notes: Diacriticals from original publication not included
Abstract: English summary on page 59 as follows: From analysing ancient documents the author realized that the states being considered as vassals to Fu Nan to the west are in factof two groups, one headed by Tun-hsün, the other Ch'ih-tu. There two groups were both situated on the Malay peninsula and submitted to Fu Nan in name
In fact they kept close contact in trade with Fu nan, essentially with Oc Eo. Archaeological materials support ancient documents in this field. On the very Fu nan and its vassals to the east, the author while basing on ethnographical data states the Fu Nan was established by ancient Mon tribe, the Bnom (alias Bnam, Penong and got contact with indian civilization prior to the formation of Khmer ethnic and the Kampuchea (Bravapura). The Khmer ethnic was itself originally an ancient Mun tribe and became Khmer when they set up the state Bhavapura (alias Chen La). The author also quotes data showing the existence of the state of Naravaranagara the population of which was Malay-Polynesian.
Date Created: 5/21/2004
Number: 61
Page Start: 49
Page End: 59