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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1957 Saurin, Edmond Outillage hoabinhien à Giáp Kliâu, Port-Courbet (Nord Việt-Nam) Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Saurin, 1957 #32156]
Journal Article 1966 Tugby, Donald J. A stone artifact from Lower Mandailing, Sumatra Asian Perspectives (1964) [Tugby, 1966 #33467]
Journal Article 1987 Soejono, R. P. Stone tools of paleolithic type in Lombok People and Culture in Oceania [Soejono, 1987 #28780]
Book in a Series 1989 Henry, Donald O. Alternative Approaches to Lithic Analysis [Henry, 1989 #21637]
Book Section in a Series 1989 Yerkes, Richard W. Lithic Analysis and Activity Patterns at Labras Lake Alternative Approaches to Lithic Analysis [Yerkes, 1989 #25209]
Book Section in a Series 1989 Odell, George H. Fitting Analytical Techniques to Prehistoric Problems with Lithic Data Alternative Approaches to Lithic Analysis [Odell, 1989 #25210]
Book Section in a Series 1989 Henry, Donald O. Correlations between Reduction Strategies and Settlement Patterns Alternative Approaches to Lithic Analysis [Henry, 1989 #25211]
Book Section in a Series 1989 Johnson, Jay K. The Utility of Production Trajectory Modeling as a Framework for Regional Analysis Alternative Approaches to Lithic Analysis [Johnson, 1989 #25212]
Book Section in a Series 1989 Ahler, Stanley A. Mass Analysis of Flaking Debris: Studying the Forest Rather Than the Tree Alternative Approaches to Lithic Analysis [Ahler, 1989 #25213]
Book Section in a Series 1989 Sackett, James R. Statistics, Attributes, and the Dynamics of Burin Typology Alternative Approaches to Lithic Analysis [Sackett, 1989 #25214]
Book Section in a Series 1989 Close, Angela E. Identifying Style in Stone Artefacts: a Case Study from the Nile Valley Alternative Approaches to Lithic Analysis [Close, 1989 #25216]
Book Section 1997 Bettinger, Robert Evolutionary implications of metrical variation in Great Basin projectile points Rediscovering Darwin: evolutionary theory and archeological explanation [Bettinger, 1997 #22147]
Book Section 1997 Bamforth, Douglas B. Technology, flaked stone technology, and risk Rediscovering Darwin: evolutionary theory and archeological explanation [Bamforth, 1997 #22150]
Thesis 2004 Arifin, K. Early human occupation of the East Kalimantan Rainforest Archaeology [Arifin, 2004 #36296]
Journal Article 2006 Brumm, Adam Early stone technology on Flores and its implication for <i>Homo floresiensis</i> Nature [Brumm, 2006 #28531]
Journal Article 2008 Marwick, Ben Beyond typologies: the reduction thesis and its implications for lithic assemblages in Southeast Asia Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association Bulletin [Marwick, 2008 #27948]
Journal Article 2008 Marwick, Ben Three styles of Darwinian evolution in the analysis of stone artefacts: which one to use in mainland Southeast Asia? Australian Archaeology [Marwick, 2008 #27949]
Thesis 2008 Marwick, Ben Stone artefacts and human ecology at two rockshelters in Northwest Thailand [Marwick, 2008 #36266]
Journal Article 2009 Moore, M. W. Continuities in stone flaking technology at Liang Bua, Flores, Indonesia Journal of Human Evolution [Moore, 2009 #26643]
Journal Article 2011 Reepmeyer, Christian Provenance and technology of lithic artifacts from the Teouma Lapita site, Vanuatu Asian Perspectives (2010) [Reepmeyer, 2011 #28602]
Journal Article 2012 Brumm, Adam Biface distributions and the Movius Line: a Southeast Asian perspective Australian Archaeology [Brumm, 2012 #27957]
Journal Article 2013 Marwick, Ben Multiple optima in Hoabinhian flaked stone artefact palaeoeconomics and palaeoecology at two archaeological sites in northwest Thailand Journal of Anthropological Archaeology [Marwick, 2013 #28281]
Journal Article 2014 Forestier, Hubert New evidence of old stone tools from the Mekong terraces, Cambodia Comptes Rendus Palevol [Forestier, 2014 #28249]
Journal Article 2016 Marwick, Ben Early modern human lithic technology from Jerimalai, East Timor Journal of Human Evolution [Marwick, 2016 #27533]
Journal Article 2017 Hawkins, Stuart Oldest human occupation of Wallacea at Laili Cave, Timor-Leste, shows broad-spectrum foraging responses to late Pleistocene environments Quaternary Science Reviews [Hawkins, 2017 #26626]
Journal Article 2017 Tin Htut Aung Raw material utilization, technology, and typology of Palaeolithic tools in Myanmar: were there lithic technological links in the regional context? Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences [Tin 2017 #26893]
Journal Article 2017 Zhang, Xinglong Qingshuiyuan Dadong: A newly discovered Late Paleolithic site in Guizhou province, China Archaeological Research in Asia [Zhang, 2017 #27029]
Journal Article 2018 Sutikna, Thomas The spatio-temporal distribution of archaeological and faunal finds at Liang Bua (Flores, Indonesia) in light of the revised chronology for <i>Homo floresiensis</i> Journal of Human Evolution [Sutikna, 2018 #26634]
Journal Article 2018 Tiauzon, Archie Unfolding the technological production strategies of the large toolkits across Philippine Paleolithic sites with specific reference to northern Mindanao Quaternary International [Tiauzon, 2018 #26696]
Journal Article 2018 Hu, Yue Late Middle Pleistocene Levallois stone-tool technology in southwest China Nature [Hu, 2018 #26701]