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Ref ID: 26643
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Moore, M. W.
Sutikna, T.
Morwood, M. J.
Brumm, A.
Title: Continuities in stone flaking technology at Liang Bua, Flores, Indonesia
Date: 2009
Source: Journal of Human Evolution
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhevol.2008.10.006
Abstract: This study examines trends in stone tool reduction technology at Liang Bua, Flores, Indonesia, where excavations have revealed a stratified artifact sequence spanning 95 k.yr. The reduction sequence practiced throughout the Pleistocene was straightforward and unchanging. Large flakes were produced off-site and carried into the cave where they were reduced centripetally and bifacially by four techniques: freehand, burination, truncation, and bipolar. The locus of technological complexity at Liang Bua was not in knapping products, but in the way techniques were integrated. This reduction sequence persisted across the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary with a minor shift favoring unifacial flaking after 11 ka. Other stone-related changes occurred at the same time, including the first appearance of edge-glossed flakes, a change in raw material selection, and more frequent fire-induced damage to stone artifacts. Later in the Holocene, technological complexity was generated by “adding-on” rectangular-sectioned stone adzes to the reduction sequence. The Pleistocene pattern is directly associated with <i>Homo floresiensis</i> skeletal remains and the Holocene changes correlate with the appearance of <i>Homo sapiens.</i> The one reduction sequence continues across this hominin replacement.
Date Created: 5/7/2019
Volume: 57
Number: 5
Page Start: 503
Page End: 526