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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2008 Anggraeni The prehistoric settlement at Jambu Hilir, South Kalimantan Province, Indonesia Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Anggraeni 2008 #29476]
Journal Article 2001 Anshari, Gusti A late Pleistocene and Holocene pollen and charcoal record from peat swamp forest, Lake Sentarum Wildlife Reserve, West Kalimantan, Indonesia Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Anshari, 2001 #32481]
Journal Article 1970 Appell, G. N. Kalimantan timber concessions poses challenge to urgent research Borneo Research Bulletin [Appell, 1970 #34026]
Thesis 2004 Arifin, K. Early human occupation of the East Kalimantan Rainforest Archaeology [Arifin, 2004 #36296]
Conference Paper 1994 Arifin, Karina Archaeological remains in the Kayan Mentarang area, east Kalimantan 15th IPPA Congress January 5-12, 1994 [Arifin, 1994 #26509]
Journal Article 2017 Arifin, Karina Terminal Pleistocene and early Holocene human occupation in the rainforests of East Kalimantan Terra Australis [Arifin, 2017 #27381]
Journal Article 2018 Aubert, M. Palaeolithic cave art in Borneo Nature [Aubert, 2018 #26702]
Conference Paper 1994 Chazine, Jean-Michael New archaeological perspectives for Borneo and especially Kalimantan provinces 15th IPPA Congress January 5-12, 1994 [Chazine, 1994 #26508]
Book Section 1999 Chazine, Jean-Michel Unraveling and reading the past in Borneo: an archaeological outline of Kalimantan Le Pacifique de 5000 à 2000 avant le présent [Chazine, 1999 #24002]
Journal Article 2008 Chazine, Jean-Michel Recent archaeological discoveries in East Kalimantan, Indonesia Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Chazine, 2008 #29490]
Journal Article 2001 Colfer, Carol J. Pierce Beadlore of the Uma' Jalan Kehyan Sarawak Museum Journal [Colfer, 2001 #28515]
Book 1985 Dove, Michael R. Swidden agriculture in Indonesia: the subsistence strategies of the Kalimantan Kantu [Dove, 1985 #21281]
Book Section 2005 Dove, Michael R. Use of global legal mechanisms to conserve local biogenetic resources: problems and prospects Conserving nature in culture: case studies from Southeast Asia [Dove, 2005 #22591]
Book Section 1982 Dove, Michael R. The myth of the "communal" longhouse in rural development: the Kantu' of Kalimantan Too rapid rural development: perceptions and perspectives from Southeast Asia [Dove, 1982 #24971]
Journal Article 2013 Fajari, Nia Marniati Etie The excavation of Gua Payung, south Kalimantan, Indonesia Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology [Fajari, 2013 #28131]
Journal Article 2012 Gani, Nicholas Salt production in the Krayan Highlands, East Kalimantan Borneo Research Bulletin [Gani, 2012 #28167]
Journal Article 2018 Hashom Mohd Hakim A new analysis of population history in Sabah and Sarawak Global Journal of Business and Social Science Review [Hashom 2018 #26658]
Journal Article 1991 Helliwell, Christine Evolution and ethnicity: a note on rice cultivation practices in Borneo Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Helliwell, 1991 #35621]
Journal Article 2000 Hofer, Anke Maria Observations on abundance and diet of the sunbeam snake <i>Xenopeltis unicolor</i> in West Kalimantan, Indonesia Sarawak Museum Journal [Hofer, 2000 #28521]
Journal Article 1991 Jessup, Timothy C. Persistence and change in the practice of shifting cultivation in the Apo Kayan, East Kalimantan, Indonesia Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Jessup, 1991 #35616]
Journal Article 2017 Kusmartono, Vida P.R. Late Pleistocene to recent: Human activities in the deep interior equatorial rainforest of Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo Quaternary International [Kusmartono, 2017 #27035]
Book Section 1988 Langub, Jayl The Penan strategy People of the tropical rain forest [Langub, 1988 #24981]
Journal Article 2023 Maloney, Tim Ryan Socieconomic roles of Holocene marine shell beads reveal the daily life of composite objects from East Kalimantan, Borneo [Maloney, 2023 #37233]
Book (Edited) 1998 Newton, Douglas Arts des mers du Sud : Insulinde, Mélanésie, Polynésie, Micronésie : Collections du musée Barbier-Muelle [Newton, 1998 #21545]
Journal Article 1986 Padoch, Christine Agricultural site selection among permanent field farmers: an example from East Kalimantan, Indonesia Journal of Ethnobiology [Padoch, 1986 #35851]
Journal Article 1988 Padoch, Christine Agriculture in interior Borneo: shifting cultivation and its alternatives Expedition [Padoch, 1988 #35852]
Journal Article 2016 Plutniak, Sébastien Boreo as a half empty pot: pottery assemblage from Liang Abu, East Kalimantan Quaternary International [Plutniak, 2016 #27828]
Journal Article 2014 Plutniak, Sébastien New ceramic data from East Kalimantan: the cord-marked and red-slipped sherds of Liang Abu's layer 2 and Kalimantan's pottery chronology Journal of Pacific Archaeology [Plutniak, 2014 #27985]
Journal Article 1973 Seavoy, Ronald The transition to continuous rice cultivation in Kalimantan Annals of the Association of American Geographers [Seavoy, 1973 #35886]
Journal Article 1996 Sellato, Bernard Stone nutcrackers and other recent finds of lithic industry in interior northeastern Kalimantan Sarawak Museum Journal [Sellato, 1996 #31404]