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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
BAR Section 1990 Alvey, Bryan Ban Don Ta Phet - data capture and analysis Southeast Asian Archaeology 1986: Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe [Alvey, 1990 #19718]
Book Section 2015 Bennett, Anna Manufacture, use and trade of late prehistoric iron billhooks from mainland Southeast Asia Metals and civilizations [Bennett, 2015 #22402]
Book Section 2013 Bennett, Anna Protohistoric iron weapons and tools from a burial site in west central Thailand The world of iron [Bennett, 2013 #22410]
Book Section 2015 Bennett, Anna Manufacture, use and trade of late prehistoric iron billhooks from mainland Southeast Asia Metals and civilizations [Bennett, 2015 #22411]
Book Section 2013 Bennett, Anna The importance of iron: its development and complexity in the Southeast Asian iron age Unearthing Southeast Asia's past: selected papers from the 12th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Bennett, 2013 #22848]
Book Section 1992 Bennett, Anna Decorated high-tin bronze bowls from Thailand's prehistory Southeast Asian Archaeology 1990: Proceedings of the Third Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Bennett, 1992 #24943]
Thesis 1982 Bennett, Anna Metallurgical analysis of iron artifacts from Ban Don Ta Phet, Thailand Institute of Archaeology [Bennett, 1982 #36424]
Book Section 2010 Cameron, Judith The archaeological textiles from Ban Don Ta Phet in broader perspective 50 years of archaeology in Southeast Asia: essays in honour of Ian Glover [Cameron, 2010 #23454]
Report 1991 Cheshire, David F. The knob based vessels of Ban Don Ta Phet, Thailand, and their possible correlates in South Asia [Cheshire, 1991 #36229]
Book 1976 Chin, You-di Ban Don Ta Phet: preliminary excavation report, 1975-76 [Chin, 1976 #20684]
Book Section 2016 Dussubieux, Laure Potash glass: a view from South and Southeast Asia Recent progress of scientific research on ancient glass and glaze [Dussubieux, 2016 #22333]
Report 1985 Glover, I. C. Excavations at Ban Don Ta Phet, 1984-1985: a preliminary report [Glover, 1985 #36226]
BAR Section 1990 Glover, Ian C. Ban Don Ta Phet: the 1984-85 excavation Southeast Asian Archaeology 1986: Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe [Glover, 1990 #19711]
Book Section 2011 Glover, Ian C. Ban Don Ta Phet and Khao Sam Kaeo: the earliest Indian contacts re-assessed Early interactions between South and Southeast Asia: reflections on cross-cultural exchange [Glover, 2011 #23025]
Book Section 2003 Glover, Ian C. Alkaline etched beads in Southeast Asia Ornaments from the past - bead studies after Beck: a book on glass and semiprecious stone beads in history and archaeology for archaeologists, jewellery historians and collectors [Glover, 2003 #24035]
Book Section 1984 Glover, Ian C. The cemetery of Ban Don Ta Phet, Thailand: results from the 1980-1 excavation season South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [Glover, 1984 #25065]
Journal Article 1980 Glover, Ian C. Ban Don Ta Phet and its relevance to problems in the pre- and protohistory of Thailand Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Glover, 1980 #35785]
Journal Article 1983 Glover, Ian C. Excavations at Ban Don Ta Phet, Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand, 1980-1 South-East Asian Studies Newsletter [Glover, 1983 #35833]
Journal Article 1996 Gorelick, L. An examination of the methods used to make the semiprecious stone beads from Ban Don Ta Phet, Thailand Bead Study Trust Newsletter [Gorelick, 1996 #29616]
Journal Article 1992 Hedges, R. E. M. Results and methods in the radiocarbon dating of pottery Radiocarbon [Hedges, 1992 #30044]
Book Section 1992 Johnson, J. Mark The ceramics at Ban Don Ta Phet: a preliminary report with special reference to the classification of ceramic fabrics [Johnson, 1992 #23703]
Thesis-MA 1989 Johnson, J. Mark A preliminary petrographic study of the ceramic fabrics from Ban Don Ta Phet [Johnson, 1989 #36482]
Thesis-Bachelor 1976 Natapintu, Surapol Prehistoric iron implements from Ban Don Ta Phet [Natapintu, 1976 #36434]
Journal Article 1979 Rajpitak, Warangkhana The bronze bowls from Ban Don Ta Phet, Thailand: an enigma of prehistoric metallurgy World Archaeology [Rajpitak, 1979 #35837]
Thesis-Bachelor 1979 Rajpitak, Warangkhana The technology of copper-alloy artifacts from Ban Don Ta Phet, Thailand [Rajpitak, 1979 #36433]
Book Section in a Series 2001 Stark, Miriam T. Mainland Southeast Asia Late Prehistoric Encyclopedia of prehistory: East Asia and Oceania [Stark, 2001 #25914]
Thesis 1984 Williams, L. A new approach to the study of bead-making workshop practices with special reference to carnelian and agate beads from Don Ta Phet, Thailand Institute of Archaeology [Williams, 1984 #36375]
Thesis-MA 2002 Woods, Moira A spatial and statistical analysis of Ban Don Ta Phet [Woods, 2002 #36456]