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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2024 Eusebio, Michelle S. The Ethnoarchaeology of Restaurants in Southern Vietnam: Fish Stew Culinary Practices and Organic Residues in Earthenware Cooking Pots Ethnoarchaeology [Eusebio, 2024 #37300]
Journal Article 2022 Sarjeant, Carmen Diverse ceramic technologies in neolithic southern Vietnam: the case of Rach Nui Asian Perspectives [Sarjeant, 2022 #37284]
Journal Article 2023 Wang, Weiwei Earliest curry in Southeast Asia and the global spice trade 2000 years ago Science Advance [Wang, 2023 #37216]
Book Section 2022 Reinecke, Andreas The Sa Huynh Culture and related cultures in Southern Vietnam and Cambodia The Oxford Handbook of Early Southeast Asia [Reinecke, 2022 #37037]
Thesis-PhD 1939 Melin, Pierre L'endettement agraire et la liquidation des dettes agricoles en Cochinchine [Melin, 1939 #36540]
Thesis 2015 Willis, Anna Corinna Juanita The bioarchaeology of An Son and Hoa Diem: biosocial insights into prehistoric southern Vietnam [Willis, 2015 #36268]
Journal Article 2001 Nguyen, Kim Dung Jewelry from late prehistoric sites recently excavated in South Viet Nam Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Nguyen, 2001 #34036]
Journal Article 2002 Nishimura, Masanari Chronology of the Neolithic age in the southern Vietnam Journal of Southeast Asian Archaeology [Nishimura, 2002 #33683]
Journal Article 1963 Saurin, Edmond La station préhistorique de Hang Gon près Xuan-Loc (Viêt-nam) Asian Perspectives (1962) [Saurin, 1963 #33510]
Journal Article 1958 Genet-Varcin, Mme Emilienne Les restes osseux des Cent-Rues (Sud Viêt-Nam) Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Genet-Varcin, 1958 #32155]
Journal Article 1963 Saurin, Edmond Station préhistorique à Hang-Gon près Xuan-Loc (Sud Viêt-Nam) Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Saurin, 1963 #32139]
Journal Article 1969 Filliozat, Jean L'inscription dite de Vo-canh Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Filliozat, 1969 #32114]
Journal Article 1969 Jacques, Claude Notes sur la stèle de Vo-canh Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Jacques, 1969 #32113]
Journal Article 1968 Saurin, Edmond Nouvelles observations prehistoriques a l'est de Saigon Bulletin de la Société des Études Indochinoises [Saurin, 1968 #31151]
Journal Article 1988 Ngo Si Hong, Mo vo o Viêt Nam - Tu lieu va nhan thuc [ Jar burial in Vietnam - documents and perception] Khao Co Hoc [Ngo 1988 #31073]
Journal Article 1993 Vo Quy, Khao hoc tay nguyen - tu lieu va nhan thuc [ Archaeological excavations at Tay Nguyen: dates and perception] Khao Co Hoc [Vo 1993 #30964]
Journal Article 1994 Dang Van Thang, Khao sat di tich Giong Phet (Can Gio, TP. Ho Chi Minh) [ Survey of Giong Phet site] Khao Co Hoc [Dang 1994 #30930]
Journal Article 1994 Nguyen Kim Dung, Cac trung tam che tac da trong thoi dai dong thau Viêt Nam [ Centres of stone manufacturing in the Bronze Age of Vietnam] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1994 #30904]
Journal Article 1995 Dang Van Thang, khai quat di chi Giong Ca Vo ( Can Gio Thanh pho Ho Chi Minh ) [ Excavation of Giong Ca Vo site ( Can Gio district, Ho Chi Minh city) ] Khao Co Hoc [Dang 1995 #30883]
Journal Article 1995 Nguyen Lan Cuong, Nghien cuu nhung di cot nguoi co tim thay o hai dia diem Giong Phet, Giong Ca Vo, huyen Can Gio( Thanh pho Ho Chi Minh ) [ Study of ancient human remains found in Giong Phet and Giong Ca Vo sites at Can Gio district ( Ho Minh City )] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1995 #30882]
Journal Article 1995 Nguyen Kim Dung, Do trang su trong cac mo chum o Can Gio ( Thanh pho Ho Chi Minh ) [ Ornaments from jar burial sites in Can Gio district, Ho Chi Minh city] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1995 #30881]
Journal Article 1995 Nguyen Thi Hau, Mo chum Giong Ca Vo [ Giong Ca Vo jar burials] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1995 #30880]
Journal Article 1995 Dang Thanh Luong, Buoc dau khao sat tuoi nhiet phat quang tren mot so mau gom Viêt Nam [ Preliminary thermoluminescence dating of some pottery samples in Vietnam ] Khao Co Hoc [Dang 1995 #30861]
Journal Article 1996 Pham Duc Manh, Di chi khao co hoc Bung Bac - nhan thuc moi [ Archaeological site Bung Bac - New Perception ] Khao Co Hoc [Pham 1996 #30838]
Journal Article 1998 Le Dinh Phung, Khai quat Go Sanh (Binh Dinh) lan I-1991 [ First excavation at Go Sanh (Binh Dinh prov.) 1991] Khao Co Hoc [Le 1998 #30774]
Journal Article 2005 Reinecke, Andreas Gò Ô Chùa - ein neu entdeckter Salzsiedeplatz des 1. Jahrtausends v. Chr. - Indikator für Küstenveränderungen in Südvietnam? Bericht über eine archäologisch-geologische Expedition am Nordostrand des Mekong-Deltas nahe der südvietnamesisch-kambodschan Annalen der Hamburger Vietnamistik [Reinecke, 2005 #30483]
Journal Article 1947 Thomson, R. Stanley France in Cochinchina: the question of retrocession 1862-65 Far Eastern Quarterly [Thomson, 1947 #30251]
Journal Article 2006 Stark, M. T. Monumentality in the Mekong delta: luminescence dating and implications Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Stark, 2006 #30032]
Journal Article 1997 Bui Phat Diem, Research achievements of the archaeology before 'Oc Eo Culture' in the Lower Vam Co River basin, southern part of Vietnam Journal of Southeast Asian Archaeology [Bui 1997 #29920]
Journal Article 1997 Van Thang Dang, Excavation at Giong Ca Vo site (Can Gio district, Ho Chi Minh City) Journal of Southeast Asian Archaeology [Van 1997 #29808]