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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2016 Wei Qi, 泥河湾盆地黑土沟遗址 (Heitugou paleolithic site from the lower Pleistocene in the Nihewan Basin, northern China 人类学学报 (Act Anthropologica Sinica) [Wei 2016 #27825]
Journal Article 1978 The Archaeological Team of Kwangsi Chuang Autonomous Region, 平乐银山岭战国墓 (Excavation of a warring states’ cemetery at Ying-Shan-Ling in P’ing-Lo county, Kwangsi) Kaogu Xuebao [The 1978 #28342]
Journal Article 2010 Захаров, Антон (Zakharov, Anton) Рецензия на: <i>From Distant Tales: Archaeology and Ethnohistory in the Highlands of Sumatra</i>. Ed. Dominik Bonatz, John Miksic, J. David Neidel & Mai Lin Tjoa-Bonatz. Newcastle upon Tune: Этнографическое обозрение (Ethnographic Review) [Захаров, 2010 #27998]
Journal Article 2010 Захаров, Антон Открывая и интерпретируя прошлое Юго-Вос Российская археология (Russian Archaeological Review) [Захаров, 2010 #27823]
Journal Article 1960 Schuster, Meinhard Zur Diskussion des Megalithproblems Paideuma [Schuster, 1960 #28793]
Journal Article 1979 Loofs, H. H. E. Zum Beginn der Metallurgie in Indochina Beiträge zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Archäologie [Loofs, 1979 #35846]
Journal Article 2011 Lertcharnrit, Thanik Zoomorphic spouts from central Thailand Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Lertcharnrit, 2011 #28309]
Journal Article 1985 Heaney, Lawrence R. Zoogeographic evidence for Middle and Late Pleistocene land bridges to the Philippine Islands Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia [Heaney, 1985 #34873]
Journal Article 2022 Higham, Charles Franklin Wandesforde Zooarchaeology of Ban Chiang and the rise of early farming communities in mainland Southeast Asia International Journal of Osteoarchaeology [Higham, 2022 #37163]
Journal Article 2009 Barker, Graeme Zooarchaeology at the Niah Caves, Sarawak: context and research issues International Journal of Osteoarchaeology [Barker, 2009 #28796]
Journal Article 2017 Lu, Peng Zooarchaeological and genetic evidence for the origins of domestic cattle in ancient China Asian Perspectives [Lu, 2017 #26975]
Journal Article 2018 Acabado, Stephen Zones of refuge: Resisting conquest in the northern Philippine highlands through environmental practice Journal of Anthropological Archaeology [Acabado, 2018 #26726]
Journal Article 1959 Chang, Jen-Hu Zonal indices as related to the winter climate in East Asia Annals of the Association of American Geographers [Chang, 1959 #35252]
Journal Article 2010 Michaud, Jean Zomia and beyond Journal of Global History [Michaud, 2010 #28664]
Journal Article 1994 Ezzo, Joseph A. Zinc as a paleodietary indicator: an issue of theoretical validity in bone-chemistry analysis American Antiquity [Ezzo, 1994 #34717]
Journal Article 1986 Binford, Lewis R. Zhoukoudian: a closer look Current Anthropology [Binford, 1986 #29950]
Journal Article 2010 Chen, Shanyuan Zebu cattle are an exclusive legacy of the South Asia neolithic Molecular Biology and Evolution [Chen, 2010 #26612]
Journal Article 2002 Yunnan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology Dali Prefectural CPAMand Yongping County CPAM, Yunnan Yongping Xinguang yizhi fajue baogao (excavation of the Xinguang site in Yongping, Yunnan Kaogu Xuebao [Yunnan 2002 #28346]
Journal Article 2000 Zhang, Z. Yunnan Midu Hejiashan chutu gudai shi, tao fan he qingtong qi (Ancient bronze artifacts and stone/ceramic moulds excavated at Hejiashan in Midu, Yunnan) Wenwu [Zhang, 2000 #28345]
Journal Article 1995 Yunnansheng Bowugun, Yunnan Jianchuan Haimenkou Qingtongqi shidai zaoqi yizhi (the early bronze age site at Haimenkou in Jianchuan county) Kaogu [Yunnansheng 1995 #28322]
Journal Article 1977 Yueh-Jung, Pan Yuanmou man, China's earliest apeman to date China Reconstructs [Yueh-Jung, 1977 #35204]
Journal Article 1977 The Yunnan Provincial Museum Yuanmou Dadunzi Xinshiqi shidai yizhi (the neolithic site at Ta-Tun-Tzu in Yuan-Mou county, Yunnan province) Kaogu Xuebao [The 1977 #28347]
Journal Article 1993 Ptak, Roderich Yuan and early Ming notices on the Kayal area in south India Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Ptak, 1993 #32030]
Journal Article 2010 Griffiths, Michael L. Younger Dryas-Holocene temperature and rainfall history of southern Indonesia from δ18O in speleothem calcite and fluid inclusions Earth and Planetary Science Letters [Griffiths, 2010 #28591]
Journal Article 1998 Smithies, Michael Young Beauregard (c. 1665-c. 1692): soldier of misfortune in Siam Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland [Smithies, 1998 #31479]
Journal Article 1991 Sohn Pokee, Yonggul Cave: Palaeontological evidence and cultural behaviour Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Sohn 1991 #29148]
Journal Article 1946 Aga-Oglu, Kamer Ying Ch'ing porcelain found in the Philippines Art Quarterly [Aga-Oglu, 1946 #33949]
Journal Article 1936 Karlgren, Bernhard Yin and Chou in Chinese bronzes Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities [Karlgren, 1936 #33640]
Journal Article 1999 Nguyen Khac Su, Yeu to nui - bien trong thoi tien su Bac Viêt Nam [ Mountainous - marine factors in prehistory of North Vietnam] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1999 #30747]
Journal Article 1998 Kunarattanapuk, Kiatirat Yearly household record of food from the forest for home consumption by rural villagers in north-east Thailand Food and Nutrition Bulletin [Kunarattanapuk, 1998 #30677]