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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2023 Maloney, Tim Ryan Socieconomic roles of Holocene marine shell beads reveal the daily life of composite objects from East Kalimantan, Borneo [Maloney, 2023 #37233]
Journal Article 1982 Peralta, Jesus T. I'wak alternative strategies for subsistence. A micro-economic study. The I'wak of Boyasyas, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines [Peralta, 1982 #34408]
Journal Article 1980 Woodway-Galloway, J. Collagen: the anatomy of a protein [Woodway-Galloway, 1980 #34406]
Journal Article 1988 Natapintu, Surapol Ban Lum Khao: preliminary report on stratigraphy and some archaeological finds [Natapintu, 1988 #33793]
Journal Article 1988 Pei, Anping Pengtoushan culture crop remains in Chinese prehistoric agriculture [Pei, 1988 #28947]
Journal Article 2015 Shackelford, Laura L. Paleoanthropology in mainland Southeast Asia: excavation at Tam Hang, Laos [Shackelford, 2015 #27810]
Journal Article Westaway, K. E. Age and biostratigraphic significance of the Punung rainforest fauna, East Java, Indonesia, and implications for Pongo and Homo [Westaway, #27710]
Journal Article 2018 McColl, Hugh Ancient genomics reveals four prehistoric migration waves into Southeast Asia [McColl, 2018 #26814]
Journal Article 1957 Malleret, Louis Notes on some current or ancient potting techniques in the Mekong Delta [Malleret, 1957 #26769]
Journal Article 1987 Wang, Linghong Racial relationship between Chinese and Japanese: a statistical study of cranial measurements 人类学学报 (Act Anthropologica Sinica) [Wang, 1987 #34443]
Journal Article 2016 Wei Qi, 泥河湾盆地黑土沟遗址 (Heitugou paleolithic site from the lower Pleistocene in the Nihewan Basin, northern China 人类学学报 (Act Anthropologica Sinica) [Wei 2016 #27825]
Journal Article 2010 Захаров, Антон (Zakharov, Anton) Рецензия на: <i>From Distant Tales: Archaeology and Ethnohistory in the Highlands of Sumatra</i>. Ed. Dominik Bonatz, John Miksic, J. David Neidel & Mai Lin Tjoa-Bonatz. Newcastle upon Tune: Этнографическое обозрение (Ethnographic Review) [Захаров, 2010 #27998]
Journal Article 2010 Захаров, Антон Review of Archaeology in Southeast Asia: From Homo Erectus to the Living Traditions. Ed. by J.-P. Pautreau, A.-S. Coupey, V. Zeitoun & E. Rambault. Bougon, 2008. 303 pp. РОССИЙСКАЯ АРХЕОЛОГИЯ (Russian Archaeological Review) [Захаров, 2010 #27997]
Journal Article 2010 Захаров, Антон Открывая и интерпретируя прошлое Юго-Вос Российская археология (Russian Archaeological Review) [Захаров, 2010 #27823]
Journal Article 1946 Hooijer, Dirk Albert On fossil and prehistoric remains of Tapirus from Java, Sumatra and China Zool. Med. Rijksmus van Nat. Hist. [Hooijer, 1946 #31642]
Journal Article 1964 Hooijer, Dirk Albert New records of mammals from the middle Pleistocene of Sangiran, central Java Zool Mededelingen [Hooijer, 1964 #32556]
Journal Article 2006 Dierenfeld, Ellen S. Intake, utilization, and composition of browses consumed by the Sumatran rhinoceros (<i>Dicerorhinus sumatrensis harissoni</i>) in captivity in Sabah, Malaysia Zoo Biology [Dierenfeld, 2006 #26608]
Journal Article 1989 Grupe, Giseka Trace elements in excavated human hair Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Anthropologie [Grupe, 1989 #34690]
Journal Article 2001 Matsumura, Hirofumi Dental morphology of the early Hoabinhian, the Neolithic Da But and the Metal Age Dong Son civilized peoples in Vietnam Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Anthropologie [Matsumura, 2001 #34048]
Journal Article 1980 Tija, H. D. The Sunda Shelf, Southeast Asia Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Neue Folge [Tija, 1980 #35925]
Journal Article 1961 Gill, Edmund D. Changes in the level of the sea relative to the land in Australia during the Quaternary era Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Neue Folge [Gill, 1961 #35245]
Journal Article 1961 Schmitz, A. Carl Gibt es eine "Megalith-Kultur" in Ozeanien ? Zeitschrift für Ethnologie [Schmitz, 1961 #28820]
Journal Article 2008 Sprenger, Guido The problem of wholeness: highland Southeast Asian cosmologies in transition Zeitschrift für Ethnologie [Sprenger, 2008 #28658]
Journal Article 2014 Behrendt, Thorsten Die Petrographie keramischer Grabbeigaben und Steinwerkzeuge aus der Deltaebene des Mekong Zeitschrift für Archäologie Außereuropäischer Kulturen [Behrendt, 2014 #27734]
Journal Article 1970 Pham Huy Thong Stand und Aufgaben der archäologischen Forschung in der Demokratischen Republik Vietnam Zeitschrift für Archäeologie [Pham 1970 #30390]
Journal Article 1999 Yuan Jiarong, Origins of pottery and rice cultivation in China YRCP (Newsletter of the Grant-in-aid Program for COE Research Foundation of the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports, and Culture in Japan) [Yuan 1999 #33849]
Journal Article 1999 Tsutsumi, Takashi The oldest pottery in Japan archipelago YRCP (Newsletter of the Grant-in-aid Program for COE Research Foundation of the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports, and Culture in Japan) [Tsutsumi, 1999 #33848]
Journal Article 1999 Agrawal, D. P. A note on the earliest agriculture and pottery in South Asia YRCP (Newsletter of the Grant-in-aid Program for COE Research Foundation of the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports, and Culture in Japan) [Agrawal, 1999 #33847]
Journal Article 1999 Yasuda, Yoshinori Recent archaeological discoveries in the middle Yangtze basin, China YRCP (Newsletter of the Grant-in-aid Program for COE Research Foundation of the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture in Japan) [Yasuda, 1999 #33850]
Journal Article 1974 Cadien, James D. Biological lineages, skeletal populations, and microevolution Yearbook of Physical Anthropology [Cadien, 1974 #34765]