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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book 1956 Casal, Jean-Marie Site urbain et sites funéraires des environs de Pondichéry: Virampatnam, Mouttrapaléon, Souttoukèny [Casal, 1956 #20708]
Journal Article 1977 Paddayya, K. An Acheulian occupation site at Hunsgi, Peninsular India: a summary of the results of two seasons of excavation. World Archaeology [Paddayya, 1977 #28992]
Book Section in a Series 2009 Higham, C. F. W. Layer two The origins of the civilization of Angkor, vol. 3: the excavation of Ban Non Wat, part one: introduction [Higham, 2009 #25493]
Book Section 1998 Moore, Elizabeth H. The prehistoric habitation of Angkor Southeast Asian Archaeology 1994: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archeologists [Moore, 1998 #24859]
Book Section 1998 McKinnon, E. Edwards Tarumanegara?: A note on discoveries at Batujaya and Cibuaya, West Java Southeast Asian Archaeology 1994: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archeologists [McKinnon, 1998 #23565]
Journal Article 2018 Brumm, Adam A reassessment of the early archaeological record at Leang Burung 2, a late Pleistocene rock-shelter site on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi PLOS One [Brumm, 2018 #26770]
Journal Article 2004 Mahirta Pia Hudale Rockshelter: a terminal Pleistocene occupation site on Roti Island, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia [Mahirta 2004 #30192]
Journal Article 1977 The Yunnan Provincial Museum Yuanmou Dadunzi Xinshiqi shidai yizhi (the neolithic site at Ta-Tun-Tzu in Yuan-Mou county, Yunnan province) Kaogu Xuebao [The 1977 #28347]
Journal Article 2002 Yunnan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology Dali Prefectural CPAMand Yongping County CPAM, Yunnan Yongping Xinguang yizhi fajue baogao (excavation of the Xinguang site in Yongping, Yunnan Kaogu Xuebao [Yunnan 2002 #28346]
Journal Article 1996 Corvinus, Gudrun The prehistory of Nepal after 10 years of research Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Corvinus, 1996 #31711]
Journal Article 1991 Park Hi-hyun, The Upper Palaeolithic habitation site at Ch'angnae, Korea Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Park 1991 #29147]
Journal Article 1993 Craib, John L. Early occupation at Unai Chulu, Tinian, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Craib, 1993 #29113]
Book Section in a Series 1998 Pasveer, Juliette M. Kria cave: an 8000-year occupation sequence from the Bird's Head of Irian Jaya Bird's Head approaches: Irian Jaya studies - a programme for interdisciplinary research [Pasveer, 1998 #25903]
Journal Article 1988 Kiernan, Kevin Prehistoric occupation and burial sites in the mountains of the Nam Khong area, Mae Hong Son province, northwestern Thailand Australian Archaeology [Kiernan, 1988 #35684]
Journal Article 1976 Kim, Chong-ki Dwelling sites from the geometric period, Korea Asian Perspectives (1975) [Kim, 1976 #33177]
Journal Article 1994 Bishop, Paul Twelve centuries of occupation of a river-bank setting: old Sisatchanalai, northern Thailand Antiquity [Bishop, 1994 #29947]