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Ref ID: 29113
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Craib, John L.
Title: Early occupation at Unai Chulu, Tinian, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
Date: 1993
Source: Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association
Abstract: A United States military exercise, code-named Tandem Thrust, was scheduled to be conducted on Tinian in July 1993. In compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, archaeologists from Ogden Environmental and Energy Services, under contract to the US Navy, Pacific Division, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, conducted archaeological surveys and subsurface testing of areas within the military lease lands towards the northern end of the island of Tinian, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) (Craib 1993). Archaeological survey along the northwest coast indicated the presence of six sites. Test excavations revealed that five of these were first inhabited during the last few centuries of prehistory. However, one of the sites, Unai Chulu, has provided a suite of radiocarbon dates and an archaeological assemblage which points to an occupation of this portion of Tinian by 2700-3100 BP and possibly earlier.
Date Created: 2/4/2010
Volume: 13
Page Start: 116
Page End: 134