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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book 1966 Oakley, Kenneth P. Frameworks for dating fossil man [Oakley, 1966 #21185]
Journal Article 1989 Barbetti, Mike Palaeomagnetism and high-resolution dating of ceramic kilns in Thailand: a progress report World Archaeology [Barbetti, 1989 #35320]
Journal Article 2015 Dye, Thomas S. Dating human dispersal in remote Oceania: a Bayesian view from Hawai'i World Archaeology [Dye, 2015 #26758]
Book Section in a Series 2004 Higham, T. F. G. Dating the occupation of Ban Lum Khao The origins of the civilization of Angkor, vol. 1: the excavation of Ban Lum Khao [Higham, 2004 #25446]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Hiscock, Peter Artefacts on Aru: evaluation the technological sequences The archaeology of the Aru Islands, eastern Indonesia [Hiscock, 2007 #25393]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Clarke, Simon J. Isoleucine epimerization in <i>Casurius</i> eggshells from archaeological sites in the Aru Islands, Liang Lemdubu and Liang Nabulei Lisa The archaeology of the Aru Islands, eastern Indonesia [Clarke, 2007 #25390]
Book Section 1963 Schnetzler, C. C. The chemical composition of tektites Tektites [Schnetzler, 1963 #23418]
Book Section 1996 Baker, S. Dating of Neogene igneous rocks in the Halmahera region: arc initiation and development Tectonic evolution of Southeast Asia [Baker, 1996 #23114]
Book Section 1998 Sukanda-Tessier, Viviane La grande statue de Sukaraja, Limbangan, Garut: une triple énigme Southeast Asian Archaeology 1996: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, Leiden, 2-6 September 1996 [Sukanda-Tessier, 1998 #23519]
Book Section 1998 Dalsheimer, Nadine Un affinement chronologique des statues est-il possible par l'étude du modèle? L'exemple d'une divinité féminine du Bakhèng Southeast Asian Archaeology 1994: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archeologists [Dalsheimer, 1998 #23545]
Book Section 1998 Sukanda-Tessier, Viviane La statuaire mégalithico-bouddhique à Java-Ouest et les critères de datation en archéo-philologie Southeast Asian Archaeology 1994: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archeologists [Sukanda-Tessier, 1998 #23539]
Book Section 1992 Thierry, François Du bon usage des trouvailles monétaires chinoises Southeast Asian Archaeology 1990: Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Thierry, 1992 #24928]
Journal Article 2023 Carleton, W. Christopher Bayesian regression versus machine learning for rapid age estimation of archaeological features identified with lidar at Angkor Scientific Reports [Carleton, 2023 #37265]
Journal Article 1940 de Terra, Hellmut Geologic dating of human evolution in Asia Scientific monthly [de 1940 #30399]
Journal Article 1972 Bayard, Donn T. Early Thai bronze: analysis and new dates Science [Bayard, 1972 #35889]
Journal Article 2020 Brasseur, Boris A younger "earliest human migration" to Southeast Asia Science [Brasseur, 2020 #19017]
Journal Article 1963 Vogel, J. C. Groningen radiocarbon dates Radiocarbon [Vogel, 1963 #28482]
Journal Article November 2022 Berghuis, H. W. K. The eastern Kendeg Hills (Java, Indonesia) and the hominin-bearing beds of Mojokerto, a re-interpretation. Quaternary Science Reviews [Berghuis, November 2022 #37058]
Journal Article 2005 Fairbanks, Richard G. Radiocarbon calibration curve spanning 0 to 50,000 years BP based on paired 230Th/234U/238U and 14C dates on pristine corals Quaternary Science Reviews [Fairbanks, 2005 #28506]
Journal Article 2006 Reimer, P. J. Comment on "Radiocarbon calibration curve spanning 0 to 50,000 years BP based on paired 230Th/234U/238U and 14C dates on pristine corals" by R. G. Fairbanks et al. (Wuaternary Science Reviews 24 (2005) 1781-1796) and "Extending the radiocarbon calibr Quaternary Science Reviews [Reimer, 2006 #28490]
Journal Article 1974 Bloom, A. L. Quaternary sea level fluctuations on a tectonic coast: New \+30\+TH/\+234\+Udates from the Huon Peninsula, New Guinea Quaternary Research [Bloom, 1974 #35256]
Journal Article 1975 Johnson, David A. Absolute ages of Quaternary radiolarian datum levels in the equatorial Pacific Quaternary Research [Johnson, 1975 #35236]
Journal Article 2003 Plagnes, Valerie Cross dating (Th/U-14C) of calcite covering prehistoric paintings in Borneo Quaternary Research [Plagnes, 2003 #31665]
Journal Article 1987 Martinson, D. G. Age dating and orbital theory of the Ice Ages: development of a high resolution 0-300 000-year chronostratigraphy Quaternary Research [Martinson, 1987 #28695]
Journal Article 2020 Yao, Yanyan New discovery of Late Pleistocene modern human teeth from Chongzuo, Guangxi, southern China Quaternary International [Yao, 2020 #36854]
Journal Article 2016 Zeitoun, Valery A sustainable review of the Middle Pleistocene benchmark sites including the <i>Ailurpoda—Stegodon</i> faunal complex: the proboscidean point of view Quaternary International [Zeitoun, 2016 #27618]
Journal Article 2017 Shao, Qingfeng U-series and ESR/U-series dating of the <i>Stegodon-Ailuropoda</i> fauna at Black Cave, Guangxi, southern China with implications for the timing of the extinction of <i>Gigantopithecus blacki</i> Quaternary International [Shao, 2017 #27360]
Journal Article 2017 Han, Fei The earliest evidence of hominid settlement in China: combined electron spin resonance and uranium series (ESR/U-series) dating of mammalian fossil teeth from Longgupo cave Quaternary International [Han, 2017 #27359]
Journal Article 2017 Sun, Xuefeng TT-OSL and post-IR IRSL dating of the Dali Man site in central China Quaternary International [Sun, 2017 #27356]
Journal Article 2007 Stephens, Mark Progress in optical dating of guano-rich sediments associated with the Deep Skull, West Mouth of the Great Cave of Niah, Sarawak, Borneo Quaternary Geochronology [Stephens, 2007 #28489]