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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2017 Zhang, Naimeng Diet reconstructed from an analysis of plant microfossils in human dental calculus from the Bronze Age site of Shilinggang, southwestern China Journal of Archaeological Science [Zhang, 2017 #26828]
Journal Article 2022 Willkomm, Natascha Late Holocene volcanic and human impacts on the mountain vegetation in central Sumatra, Indonesia Quaternary International [Willkomm, 2022 #37073]
Journal Article 2006 Williams, Martin Impact of extreme rainfall in the central Sudan during 1999 as a partial analogue for reconstructing early Holocene prehistoric environments Quaternary International [Williams, 2006 #30054]
Journal Article 2009 Westaway, K. E. The evolving landscape and climate of western Flores: an environmental context for the archaeological site of Liang Bua Journal of Human Evolution [Westaway, 2009 #26646]
Journal Article 2009 Westaway, K. E. Reconstructing the geomorphic history of Liang Bua, Flores, Indonesia: a stratigraphic interpretation of the occupational environment Journal of Human Evolution [Westaway, 2009 #26645]
Journal Article 2006 Walker, Karen J. Developing oxygen isotope proxies from archaeological sources for the study of Late Holocene human-climate interactions in coastal southwest Florida Quaternary International [Walker, 2006 #30058]
Journal Article 2006 Tougard, C. Pleistocene paleoenvironmental reconstructions and mammalian evolution in South-East Asia: focus on fossil faunas from Thailand Quaternary Science Reviews [Tougard, 2006 #30410]
Journal Article 2006 Stark, Miriam Early mainland Southeast Asian landscapes in the first millennium A.D. Annual Review of Anthropology [Stark, 2006 #29588]
Journal Article 2006 Stancikaite, Migle Human response to the Holocene environmental changes in the Birzulis Lake region, NW Lithuania Quaternary International [Stancikaite, 2006 #30069]
Book Section 1998 Rivolta, Antonello Geomorphological and stratigraphical study of the archaeological site in Champassak Southeast Asian Archaeology 1994: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archeologists [Rivolta, 1998 #23554]
Book Section in a Series 1991 McKenzie, K. G. The ostracodes and forams The excavation of Khok Phanom Di: a prehistoric site in central Thailand. Volume II: the biological remains (part I) [McKenzie, 1991 #26258]
Journal Article 2006 Masse, W. Bruse Evaluating the effects of climate change on environment, resource depletion and culture in the Palau Islands between AD 1200 and 1600 Quaternary International [Masse, 2006 #30097]
Journal Article 1975 Maloney, Bernard K. Hydroseral changes at Pea Sim-sim swamp, North Sumatra Sumatra Research Bulletin [Maloney, 1975 #35713]
Book Section in a Series 1991 Maloney, Bernard K. The pollen, pteridophyte spore and microscopic charcoal: conclusions The excavation of Khok Phanom Di: a prehistoric site in central Thailand. Volume II: the biological remains (part I) [Maloney, 1991 #26231]
Journal Article 2016 Maloney, Bernard Palaeoecology (with specific reference to Southeast Asia and the archaeological context) SPAFA Journal [Maloney, 2016 #37279]
Journal Article 2022 Louys, Julien Speleological and environmental history of Lida Ajer cave, western Sumatra Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B [Louys, 2022 #37080]
Journal Article 2010 Lipo, Carl P. A.D. 1680 and Rapa Nui prehistory Asian Perspectives (2009) [Lipo, 2010 #28460]
Journal Article 2002 Lentfer, Carol Starch grains and environmental reconstruction: a modern test case from West New Britain, Paupa New Guinea Journal of Archaeological Science [Lentfer, 2002 #31831]
Journal Article 2007 Ku, Huei-Wei Paleo-environmental evolution as revealed by analysis of organic carbon and nitrogen: a case of coastal Taipei Basin in northern Taiwan Geochemical Journal [Ku, 2007 #26973]
Journal Article 2006 Jousse, Hélène What is the impact of Holocene climatic changes on human societies? Analysis of West African Neolithic populations dietary customs Quaternary International [Jousse, 2006 #30121]
Journal Article 2017 Gómez-Zeledón, Javier TaqMan qPCR pushes boundaries for the analysis of millennial wood Journal of Archaeological Science [Gómez-Zeledón, 2017 #26834]
Journal Article 1985 Flenley, John R. Quaternary vegetational and climatic history of island Southeast Asia Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia [Flenley, 1985 #35988]
Journal Article 2022 Findley, David Max Land Use Change in a Pericolonial Society: Intensification and Diversification in Ifugao, Philippines Between 1570 and 1800 CE Frontiers in Earth Science [Findley, 2022 #37075]
Journal Article 2006 Dinis, J. L. Natural to anthropgenic forcing in the Holocene evolution of three coastal lagoons (Caldas da Rainha valley, western Portugal) Quaternary International [Dinis, 2006 #30146]
Journal Article 2020 Darby, Stephen E. Drainage and erosion of Cambodia's great lake in the middle-late Holocene: the combined role of climatic drying, base-level fall and river capture Quaternary Science Reviews [Darby, 2020 #36652]
Magazine Article 2017 Cao, Xianyong Past land-cover change for climate modeling: data from eastern Asia PAGES [Cao, 2017 #36028]
Book Section in a Series 2010 Boyd, William E. Integrating social and environmental change in prehistory: a discussion of the role of landscape as a heuristic in defining prehistoric possibilities in northeast Thailand Altered ecologies: fire, climate and human influence on terrestrial landscapes [Boyd, 2010 #25524]
Journal Article 2005 An, Cheng-Bang Climate change and cultural response around 4000 cal yr B.P. in the western part of Chinese Loess Plateau Quaternary Research [An, 2005 #30569]