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Ref ID: 30069
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Stancikaite, Migle
Sinkunas, Petras
Kisieliene, Dalia
Ostrauskas, Tomas
Title: Human response to the Holocene environmental changes in the Birzulis Lake region, NW Lithuania
Date: 2006
Source: Quaternary International
Abstract: Palaeoenvironmental studies combining 14C dating, palaeobotanical and archaeological data provide information about the human reaction to Holocene environmental changes registered in the surroundings of Birz¡ ulis Lake in northwest Lithuania. Responding to water regression, early Mesolithic communities were established on the lower lake terraces, which were overgrown by predominantly birch and pine forest. The formation of a mixed forest with Ulmus (immigrated at 8100–7500 cal yr BC), Corylus (7600–7200 cal yr BC) and Alnus (7300–6900 cal yr BC) provided plenty of natural resources, which led to the increase in population during the late Mesolithic. The expansion of Tilia (6400–5900 cal yr BC) and Quercus (5900–5700 cal yr BC), as well as the subsequent flourishing of broad-leaved forest, provided inhabitants with suitable living conditions. The reduction of broad-leaved woodland and the expansion of Picea (4400–3700 cal yr BC), which suggest changing temperature and moisture conditions as well as increasing erosion activity, could have negatively influenced the early-middle Neolithic population, as evidenced by the partial abandoning of the land. The lowering of the water level and thinning of the forest structure possibly related to some dry episode, positively influenced late Neolithic groups, as intensive exploitation of the area, including the earliest attempts at agriculture, has been registered. Since 1770–1490 cal yr BC, when intensive bogging began, evidence of periodic inhabitation around the lake has been registered.
Date Created: 1/4/2007
Volume: 150
Number: 1
Page Start: 113
Page End: 129