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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2019 Samper Carro, Sofía C. Somewhere beyond the sea: human cranial remains from the Lesser Sunda Islands (Alor Island, Indonesia) provide insights on Late Pleistocene peopling of Island Southeast Asia Journal of Human Evolution [Samper 2019 #18913]
Journal Article 2009 Falk, Dean LB1’s virtual endocast, microcephaly, and hominin brain evolution Journal of Human Evolution [Falk, 2009 #26639]
Journal Article 2009 Baab, Karen L. Size, shape, and asymmetry in fossil hominins: the status of the LB1 cranium based on 3D morphometric analyses Journal of Human Evolution [Baab, 2009 #26638]
Journal Article 2009 Argue, D. <i>Homo floresiensis:</i> a cladistic analysis Journal of Human Evolution [Argue, 2009 #26637]
Journal Article 2009 Morwood, M. J. Conclusions: implications of the Liang Bua excavations for hominin evolution and biogeography Journal of Human Evolution [Morwood, 2009 #26636]
Journal Article 2012 Brown, Peter LB1 and LB6 <i>Homo floresiensis</i> are not modern human (<i>Homo sapiens</i>) cretins Journal of Human Evolution [Brown, 2012 #26635]
Journal Article 2018 Sutikna, Thomas The spatio-temporal distribution of archaeological and faunal finds at Liang Bua (Flores, Indonesia) in light of the revised chronology for <i>Homo floresiensis</i> Journal of Human Evolution [Sutikna, 2018 #26634]
Journal Article 2019 Curnoe, Darren Femur associated with the Deep Skull from the West Mouth of the Niah Caves (Sarawak, Malaysia) Journal of Human Evolution [Curnoe, 2019 #26633]
Journal Article 2013 Montgomery, Stephen H. Primate brains, the ‘island rule’ and the evolution of <i>Homo floresiensis</i> Journal of Human Evolution [Montgomery, 2013 #26632]
Journal Article 2013 Orr, Caley M. New wrist bones of <i>Homo floresiensis</i> from Liang Bua (Flores, Indonesia) Journal of Human Evolution [Orr, 2013 #26631]
Journal Article 2018 Kealy, Shimona Least-cost pathway models indicate northern human dispersal from Sunda to Sahul Journal of Human Evolution [Kealy, 2018 #26627]
Journal Article 2016 Balzeau, Antoine What do cranial bones of LB1 tell us about <i>Homo floresiensis?</i> Journal of Human Evolution [Balzeau, 2016 #26651]
Journal Article 2011 Kaifu, Yousuke Craniofacial morphology of <i>Homo floresiensis:</i> description, taxonomic affinities, and evolutionary implication Journal of Human Evolution [Kaifu, 2011 #26650]
Journal Article 2017 Argue, Debbie The affinities of <i>Homo floresiensis</i> based on phylogenetic analyses of cranial, dental, and postcranial characters Journal of Human Evolution [Argue, 2017 #26648]
Journal Article 2009 Morwood, M. J. Preface: research at Liang Bua, Flores, Indonesia Journal of Human Evolution [Morwood, 2009 #26647]
Journal Article 2009 Westaway, K. E. The evolving landscape and climate of western Flores: an environmental context for the archaeological site of Liang Bua Journal of Human Evolution [Westaway, 2009 #26646]
Journal Article 2009 Westaway, K. E. Reconstructing the geomorphic history of Liang Bua, Flores, Indonesia: a stratigraphic interpretation of the occupational environment Journal of Human Evolution [Westaway, 2009 #26645]
Journal Article 2009 Roberts, R. G. Geochronology of cave deposits at Liang Bua and of adjacent river terraces in the Wae Racang valley, western Flores, Indonesia: a synthesis of age estimates for the type locality of <i>Homo floresiensis</i> Journal of Human Evolution [Roberts, 2009 #26644]
Journal Article 2009 Moore, M. W. Continuities in stone flaking technology at Liang Bua, Flores, Indonesia Journal of Human Evolution [Moore, 2009 #26643]
Journal Article 2009 Jungers, W. L. Descriptions of the lower limb skeleton of <i>Homo floresiensis</i> Journal of Human Evolution [Jungers, 2009 #26642]
Journal Article 2009 Larson, S. G. Descriptions of the upper limb skeleton of <i>Homo floresiensis</i> Journal of Human Evolution [Larson, 2009 #26641]
Journal Article 2009 Brown, Peter Liang Bua <i>Homo floresiensis</i> mandibles and mandibular teeth: a contribution to the comparative morphology of a new hominin species Journal of Human Evolution [Brown, 2009 #26640]
Journal Article 2017 Corny, Julien Dental phenotypic shape variation supports a multiple dispersal model for anatomically modern humans in Southeast Asia Journal of Human Evolution [Corny, 2017 #26932]
Journal Article 2016 Marwick, Ben Early modern human lithic technology from Jerimalai, East Timor Journal of Human Evolution [Marwick, 2016 #27533]
Journal Article 2016 Langley, Michelle C. 42,000-year-old worked and pigment-stained nautilus shell from Jerimalai (Timor-Leste): evidence for an early coastal adaptation in ISEA Journal of Human Evolution [Langley, 2016 #27518]
Journal Article 2014 O'Connor, S. Are osseous artefacts a window to perishable material culture? Implications of an unusually complex bone tool from the late Pleistocene of East Timor Journal of Human Evolution [O'Connor, 2014 #27694]
Journal Article 2013 Storm, P. U-series and radiocarbon analyses of human and faunal remains from Wajak, Indonesia Journal of Human Evolution [Storm, 2013 #27711]
Journal Article 2002 Cunningham, D. L. Within-group human variation in the Asian Pleistocene: the three Upper Cave crania Journal of Human Evolution [Cunningham, 2002 #27721]
Journal Article 2005 Demeter, Fabrice Discovery of a second human molar and cranium fragment in the late Middle to Late Pleistocene cave of Ma U'Oi (northern Vietnam) Journal of Human Evolution [Demeter, 2005 #27748]
Journal Article 2010 Mijares, A. M. New evidence for a 67,000-year-old human presence at Callao Cave, Luzon, Philippines Journal of Human Evolution [Mijares, 2010 #27792]