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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Conference Paper 2002 Demeter, Fabrice Excavation at Ma U'Oi Cave, Hoa Binh Province, northern Vietnam, November 2001 The 17th Congress of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Demeter, 2002 #26407]
Journal Article 2006 Bacon, Anne-Marie New palaeontological assemblage, sedimentological and chronological data from the Pleistocene Ma U'Oi cave (northern Vietnam) Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Bacon, 2006 #27749]
Journal Article 2004 Bacon, Anne-Marie The Pleistocene Ma U'Oi cave, northern Vietnam: palaeontology, sedimentology, and palaeoenvironments (La grotte Pléistocène de Ma U'Oi, au nord du Viêt-Nam: paléontologie, sédimentologie et paléoenvironnement) Geobios [Bacon, 2004 #27747]
Journal Article 2006 Bacon, Anne-Marie Records of murine rodents (Mammalia, Rodentia) in the Pleistocene localities of Tan Vinh and Ma U'Oi (Northern Vietnam) and their implications to past distibution (Présence de rongeurs murinae (Mammalia, Rodentia) dans les sites Pléistocènes de Tan V Annales de Paléontologie [Bacon, 2006 #27752]
Book Section in a Series 2011 Hirofumi Matsumura, Quantitative limb bone-morphology at Man Bac Man Bac: the excavation of a neolithic site in northern Vietnam [Hirofumi 2011 #25421]
Book Section in a Series 2011 Junmei Sawada, Faunal remains at Man Bac Man Bac: the excavation of a neolithic site in northern Vietnam [Junmei 2011 #25418]
BAR Section 2008 Oxenham, Marc Childhood in late neolithic Vietnam: bio-mortuary insights into an ambiguous life stage. Babies reborn: infant/child burials in pre- and protohistory [Oxenham, 2008 #19664]
Journal Article 2008 Oxenham, Marc Health and the experience of childhood in late neolithic Viet Nam Asian Perspectives (2008) [Oxenham, 2008 #29228]
Journal Article 2008 Matsumura, Hirofumi Terminal Pleistocene human skeleton from Hang Cho Cave, northern Vietnam: implications for the biological affinities of Hoabinhian people Anthropological Science [Matsumura, 2008 #29415]
Journal Article 2008 Matsumura, Hirofumi Morphometric affinity of the late Neolithic human remains from Man Bac, Ninh Binh Province, Vietnam: key skeletons with which to debate the ‘two layer’ hypothesis Anthropological Science [Matsumura, 2008 #29503]
Journal Article 2002 Oxenham, Marc F. Oral health in northen Viêt Nam: neolithic through metal periods Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Oxenham, 2002 #30085]
Journal Article 2004 Demeter, Fabrice An archaic <i>Homo</i> molar from northern Vietnam Current Anthropology [Demeter, 2004 #30636]
Journal Article 1998 Nguyen Kim Thuy, Nhom mau va ket qua xac dinh nhom mau tren xuong nguoi co o Con Co Ngua (Thanh Hoa) [ Blood group and result of defining blood groups in the ancient human bones in Con Co Ngua] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1998 #30763]
Journal Article 1999 Nguyen Kim Thuy, Tu lieu chua duoc biet: Ve di cot nguoi co Da But ( Thanh Hoa ) [ Ancient human bones at Da But, Thanh Hoa province] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1999 #30731]
Journal Article 1995 Nguyen Kim Thuy, Hinh thai nan chung dan toc B'rau o kon Tum ( Tay Nguyen ) [ Anthropomorphology of B' rau ethnic group in Kon Tum province] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1995 #30871]
Journal Article 1996 Nguyen Lan Cuong, Tu lieu moi ve nhung so co thuoc van hoa Oc Eo [ New materials on ancient skulls of the Oc Eo culture] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1996 #30854]
Journal Article 1990 Nguyen Kim Thuy, Di cot nguoi co o con Co ngua [ Ancient human skeletons at Con Co Ngua ] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1990 #31049]
Journal Article 1993 Nguyen Kim Thuy, So Co Minh Duc - Ha Son Binh [ Ancient skulls at Minh Duc (Ha Son Binh province)] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1993 #30950]
Journal Article 2002 Oxenham, Marc F. Oral health in northern Viêt Nam: neolithic through metal periods Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Oxenham, 2002 #32663]