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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 2017 Crawford, Gary W. Plant domestication in East Asia Handbook of East and Southeast Asian Archaeology [Crawford, 2017 #22298]
Book Section 2017 Junker, Laura Lee Farmer and forager interactions in Southeast Asia Handbook of East and Southeast Asian Archaeology [Junker, 2017 #22294]
Journal Article 2017 Deng, Zhenhua The ancient dispersal of millets in southern China: new archaeological evidence The Holocene [Deng, 2017 #26998]
Book in a Series 2013 Higham, Charles F. W. The origins of the civilization of Angkor [Higham, 2013 #21640]
Journal Article 2016 Lee, Cheng-Yi Diet and subsistence mode of Neolithic Yuan-Shan people in Taiwan: Perspective from carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses of bone collagen Archaeological Research in Asia [Lee, 2016 #27027]
BAR Book 2017 Loofs-Wissowa, Helmut Hill of Prosperity: Excavations at Khok Charoen, Thailand: A Burial Site at the Stone-Metal Junction [Loofs-Wissowa, 2017 #19626]
Journal Article 2017 Frieman, Catherine J. Rach Nui: ground stone technology in coastal neolithic settlements of southern Vietnam Antiquity [Frieman, 2017 #27040]
Journal Article 2017 Barron, Aleese MicroCT reveals domesticated rice (Oryza sativa) within pottery sherds from early Neolithic sites (4150–3265 cal BP) in Southeast Asia Scientific Reports [Barron, 2017 #27036]
Journal Article 2017 Piper, Philip J. The neolithic settlement of Loc Giang on the Vam Co Dong River, southern Vietnam and its broader regional context Archaeological Research in Asia [Piper, 2017 #27033]
Journal Article 1924 Patte, Etienne Le Kjökkenmödding néolithique du Bau tro à Tam-toà près de Đờng-hơi (Annam) Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Patte, 1924 #27172]
Journal Article 1925 Patte, Etienne Note additionnelle sur le kjökkenmödding néolithique du Bau tro à Tam toa près de Đóng-hời Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Patte, 1925 #27162]
Journal Article 1923 Patte, Etienne Fouille d'un kjökkenmödding néolithique à Tam-toà près de Dong-hoi (Annam) Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Patte, 1923 #27178]
Book Section 2017 Heath, Helen Enter the ceramic matrix: identifying the nature of the early austronesian settlement in the Cagayan Valley, Philippines New Perspectives in Southeast Asian and Pacific Prehistory [Heath, 2017 #22330]
Journal Article 2017 Truman Simanjuntak, The western route migration: a second probable neolithic diffusion to Indonesia Terra Australis [Truman 2017 #27376]
Book Section 2015 Oxenham, Marc Dealing with death in late Neolithic to metal period Nagsabaran, the Philippines The Routledge Handbook of Bioarchaeology in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands [Oxenham, 2015 #22335]
Journal Article 2017 Dhavale, Neha Linear and appositional growth in infants and children from the prehistoric settlement of Ban Non Wat, Northeast Thailand: evaluating biological responses to agricultural intensification in Southeast Asia Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports [Dhavale, 2017 #27564]
Book Section 2017 Fiskesjö, Magnus Chinese autochtony and the Eurasian context: archaeology, mythmaking and Johan Gunnar Andersson's "Western Origins" Fitful histories and unruly publics: rethinking temporality and community in Eurasian archaeology [Fiskesjö, 2017 #22344]
Journal Article 2016 Gui Yun Jin, Archaeobotanical records of middle and late neolithic agriculture from Shandong Province, East China, and a major change in regional subsistence during the Dawenkou Culture Holocene [Gui 2016 #27600]
Journal Article 2016 Brandão, Andreia Quantifying the legacy of the Chinese neolithic on the maternal genetic heritage of Taiwan and island Southeast Asia Human Genetics [Brandão, 2016 #27640]
Journal Article 2008 Valentine, B. Reconstructing neolithic groups in Sarawak, Malaysia Journal of Archaeological Science [Valentine, 2008 #27663]
Journal Article 2016 Galipaud, Jean-Christophe The Pain Haka burial ground in Flores: Indonesian evidence for a shared neolithic cosmology in Southeast Asia Antiquity [Galipaud, 2016 #27661]
Journal Article 1963 Wells, C. Two neolithic burials from Lobang Jeragan, a cliff-cave at Niah Sarawak Museum Journal [Wells, 1963 #27655]
Journal Article 2015 Trinh, Hiep Hoang The Đa Bút period in northern Vietnam: current knowledge and future directions Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology [Trinh, 2015 #27653]
Journal Article 2009 Oxenham, M. F. Paralysis and severe disability requiring intensive care in neolithic Asia Anthropological Science [Oxenham, 2009 #27649]
Thesis 2012 Clark, A. L. Human sexual dimorphism and health during the intensification of agriculture in prehistoric Thailand Anatomy [Clark, 2012 #36280]
Thesis 2012 Cole, F. Communities of the dead: practice as an indicator of group identity in the Neolitihic and Metal Age burial caves of Niah, north Borneo [Cole, 2012 #36279]
Journal Article 2014 McDonell, A. Localised primary canine hypoplasia: implications for maternal and infant health at Man Bac, Vietnam, 4000=3500 years BP. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology [McDonell, 2014 #27667]
Journal Article 2011 Tilley, L. Survival against the odds: modelling the social implications of care provision to seriously disabled individuals International Journal of Paleopathology [Tilley, 2011 #27673]
Journal Article 2013 Willis, A. The Neolithic demographic transition and oral health: the southeast Asian experience American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Willis, 2013 #27671]
Journal Article 2003 Krigbaum, J. Neolithic subsistence patterns in northern Borneo reconstructed with stable carbon isotopes of enamel Journal of Archaeological Science [Krigbaum, 2003 #27668]