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Ref ID: 27653
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Trinh, Hiep Hoang
Huffer, Damien
Title: The Đa Bút period in northern Vietnam: current knowledge and future directions
Date: 2015
Source: Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology
Abstract: This paper presents an overview of the pre-agricultural, ceramic producing, Neolithic Đa Bút culture in its archaeological, bioarcheological and environmental contexts. Drawing on numerous examples from the 'grey literature,' often published solely in Vietnamese, we review the diversity of known sites and the faunal, floral, material cultural, mortuary and osteological evidence they provide regarding the structure, life histories and foodways of Đa Bút communities. We conclude with a discussion of possible future research directions that would improve what is known about the inhabitants of lowland northern Vietnam during this period, should appropriate new sites be discovered.
Date Created: 5/3/2016
Volume: 35
Page Start: 36
Page End: 47