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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section in a Series 2005 Gupta, Avijit Landforms of Southeast Asia The physical geography of Southeast Asia [Gupta, 2005 #25742]
Book Section in a Series 2001 Yamada, Kazuyoshi High-resolution geochemical records of loess-paleosol sequences in China over the 60 kyrs Environmental changes and rise and fall of civilizations [Yamada, 2001 #26030]
Book Section in a Series 2001 Takahashi, Manabu Geo-environmental analysis of Chengtoushan, in the Yangtze river plains, China Environmental changes and rise and fall of civilizations [Takahashi, 2001 #26033]
Book Section in a Series 1972 Ashton, Peter S. The Quaternary geomorphological history of western Malesia and lowland forest phytogeography Transactions of the Second Aberdeen-Hull Symposium on Malesian Ecology [Ashton, 1972 #26176]
Book Section in a Series 1983 Kudrass, H. R. Report on geophysical and geological offshore surveys in the Malacca Strait (1976) Exploration for offshore placers and construction materials [Kudrass, 1983 #26344]
Book Section in a Series 1970 Coleman, James M. Sedimentation in a Malaysian high tide tropical delta Deltaic sedimentation: modern and ancient [Coleman, 1970 #26345]
Book Section in a Series 1977 Tija, H. D. Changes of sea-level in the southern South China Sea area during Quaternary times Quaternary geology of the Malay-Indonesian coastal and offshore areas [Tija, 1977 #26385]
Book Section in a Series 1983 Sin, Lew Tan Near surface sediment structure and a search for tin offshore Kedah Exploration for offshore placers and construction materials [Sin, 1983 #26386]
Conference Paper 1998 Maluski, H. Overprinting Metamorphisms in Vietnam American Geophysical Union 1998 Fall Meeting [Maluski, 1998 #26424]
Conference Paper 1999 Lo, C. Thermochronological study of the Kontum Massif, central Vietnam and its implication to tectonothermal events in Indochina American Geophysical Union 1999 Fall Meeting [Lo, 1999 #26425]
Conference Proceeding 1983 Proceedings of the first symposium on geomorphology and quaternary geology in Thailand First Symposium on Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology of Thailand [ 1983 #26540]
Conference Proceeding 1983 Proceedings of the First Symposium on Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology of Thailand, October 28-29, 1983, Bangkok, Thailand First Symposium on Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology of Thailand [ 1983 #26557]
Journal Article 2009 Westaway, K. E. Reconstructing the geomorphic history of Liang Bua, Flores, Indonesia: a stratigraphic interpretation of the occupational environment Journal of Human Evolution [Westaway, 2009 #26645]
Journal Article 2009 Westaway, K. E. The evolving landscape and climate of western Flores: an environmental context for the archaeological site of Liang Bua Journal of Human Evolution [Westaway, 2009 #26646]
Journal Article 2016 Madsen, David B. Conceptualizing the Tibetan Plateau: environmental constraints on the peopling of the "Third Pole" Archaeological Research in Asia [Madsen, 2016 #27017]
Journal Article 1994 Qi, Zhang Ophiolites of the Hengduan Mountains, China: characteristics and tectonic settings Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences [Qi, 1994 #28382]
Journal Article 1998 Zhang, Kai-Jun The Changning-Menglian suture zone Tectonophysics [Zhang, 1998 #28383]
Journal Article 1994 Yang, Kaihui Tectono-volcanic belts and late Paleozoic-early Mesozoic evolution of southwestern Yunnan, China Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences [Yang, 1994 #28384]
Journal Article 1998 Wu, Haoruo The Changning–Menglian suture zone Tectonophysics [Wu, 1998 #28385]
Journal Article 1995 Wu, Haoruo The Changning-Menglian suture zone Tectonophysics [Wu, 1995 #28386]
Journal Article 2000 Wang, Xiaofeng The Jinshajiang–Ailaoshan Suture Zone, China: tectonostratigraphy, age and evolution Journal of Asian Earth Sciences [Wang, 2000 #28387]
Journal Article 2001 Nam, Tran Ngoc First SHRIMP U–Pb zircon dating of granulites from the Kontum massif (Vietnam) and tectonothermal implications Journal of Asian Earth Sciences [Nam, 2001 #28388]
Journal Article 1998 Nam, Tran Ngoc Thermotectonic events from Early Proterozoic to Miocene in the Indochina craton: implication of K–Ar ages in Vietnam Journal of Asian Earth Sciences [Nam, 1998 #28389]
Journal Article 1990 Tapponnier, P. The Ailao Shan/Red River metamorphic belt: tertiary left-lateral shear between Indochina and South China Nature [Tapponnier, 1990 #28391]
Journal Article 1983 Stauffer, P. H. Unraveling the mosaic of Paleozoic crustal blocks in Southeast Asia Geologische Rundschau [Stauffer, 1983 #28392]
Journal Article 1974 Stauffer, P. H. Malaya and Southeast Asia in the pattern of continental drift Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia [Stauffer, 1974 #28393]
Journal Article 2000 Singharajwarapan, S. Tectonic implications of the Nan Suture Zone and its relationship to the Sukhothai Fold Belt, Northern Thailand Journal of Asian Earth Sciences [Singharajwarapan, 2000 #28394]
Journal Article 1984 Şengör, A. M. Celâl The Cimmerides of eastern Asia Mémoires de la Société Géologique de France, Nouvelle Serie [Şengör, 1984 #28395]
Journal Article 1979 Şengör, A. M. Celâl Mid-Mesozoic closure of Permo-Triassic tethys and its implications Nature [Şengör, 1979 #28396]
Journal Article 1971 Ridd, M. F. South-East Asia as a part of Gondwanaland Nature [Ridd, 1971 #28397]