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Ref ID: 28391
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Tapponnier, P.
Lacassin, R.
Leloup, P. H.
Schärer, U.
Dalai, Zhong
Haiwei, Wu
Xiaohan, Liu
Shaocheng, Ji
Lianshang, Zhang
Jiayou, Zhong
Title: The Ailao Shan/Red River metamorphic belt: tertiary left-lateral shear between Indochina and South China
Date: 1990
Source: Nature
DOI: 10.1038/343431a0
Abstract: The relative importance of thickening and strike-slip extrusion in continental collision is debated. Ductile shear in the Ailao Shan/Diancang Shan metamorphic belt, along the Red River in Yunnan, China, yields outstanding evidence of the latter process. For > 500 km, mylonites in this narrow northwest-southeast belt show horizontal lineations on steep, northwest-striking foliation planes, and left-lateral kinematic indicators. U–Pb radiometric ages of ~23 Myr imply that strike-slip movement along this shear zone occurred in the Oligo-Miocene. The strain observed suggests that collision of India with Asia displaced Indochina at least 500km southeastwards relative to South China.
Date Created: 2/21/2012
Volume: 343
Page Start: 431
Page End: 437