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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section in a Series 2008 Évrard, Olivier Atténuation et perpétuation des frontières ethniques: notes sur la “taïsation” des populations khmou du Nord-Laos Recherches nouvelles sur le Laos [Évrard, 2008 #25644]
Book Section in a Series 2001 Bing Su, Genetic history of ethnic populations in southwestern China Genetic, linguistic and archaeological perspectives on human diversity in Southeast Asia [Bing 2001 #25998]
Book Section in a Series 1981 Bentley, G. Carter Migration, ethnic identity, and state building in the Philippines: the Sulu case Ethnic change [Bentley, 1981 #26082]
Book Section in a Series 1977 Wilson, Constance M. Ethnic participation in the export of Thai rice, 1885-1890 Economic exchange and social interaction in Southeast Asia: perspectives from prehistory, history and ethnography [Wilson, 1977 #26160]
Book Section in a Series 1978 Kennedy, Jean From stage to development in prehistoric Thailand: an exploration of the origins of growth, exchange, and variability in Southeast Asia Economic exchange and social interaction in Southeast Asia: perspectives from prehistory, history and ethnography [Kennedy, 1978 #26213]
Book Section in a Series 1988 King, Victor T. Maloh, Malay and Chinese: silversmithing and cultural exchange in Borneo and elsewhere Metal-working in Borneo: essays on iron- and silver-working in Sarawak [King, 1988 #26217]
Book Section in a Series 1991 Hutterer, Karl L. Losing track of the tribes: evolutionary sequences in Southeast Asia Profiles in Cultural Evolution: Papers from a Conference in Honor of Elman R. Service [Hutterer, 1991 #26370]
Journal Article 2019 Bellina, Bérénice Southeast Asian early Maritime Silk Road trading polities' hinterland and the sea-nomads of the Isthmus of Kra Journal of Anthropological Archaeology [Bellina, 2019 #26666]
Journal Article 2017 Jonsson, Hjorleifur Stexit? South East Asian pluralism, statelessness and exclusive identities Anthropology Today [Jonsson, 2017 #26724]
Journal Article 1924 Cœdès, George Documents sur l'histoire politique et religieuse du Laos occidental Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Cœdès, 1924 #27170]
Journal Article 1924 Roux, Henri Deux tribus de la région de Phongsaly (Laos septentrional) Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Roux, 1924 #27174]
Journal Article 1911 Guignard, Th. Note sur une peuplade des montagnes du Quáng-Bīnh: les Tầc-cúi Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Guignard, 1911 #27299]
Journal Article 1908 Bonifacy, A. Étude sur les Lolo et les La-qua du Haut-Tonkin Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Bonifacy, 1908 #27393]
Journal Article 2013 Jaffe, Yitzchak Materializing identity—a statistical analysis of the Western Zhou Liulihe cemetery Asian Perspectives (2012) [Jaffe, 2013 #28245]
Journal Article 2012 Kazuto Ikeda Two versions of Buddhist Karen history of the late British colonial period in Burma: <i>Kayin Chronicle</i> (1929) and <i>Kuyin Great Chronicle</i> (1931) Southeast Asian Studies [Kazuto 2012 #28286]
Journal Article 2011 Kang, Bong Won An examination of chronology, ethnic group, and social ranking based on mortuary data from central Korea Asian Perspectives (2010) [Kang, 2011 #28603]
Journal Article 2002 Meskell, Lynn The intersections of identity and politics in archaeology Annual Review of Anthropology [Meskell, 2002 #28634]
Journal Article 2006 Hudson, Mark J. Pots and people: ethnicity, culture and identity in postwar Japanese archaeology Critique of Anthropology [Hudson, 2006 #28637]
Journal Article 2008 Taylor, Philip Minorities at large: new approaches to minority ethnicity in Vietnam Journal of Vietnamese Studies [Taylor, 2008 #28666]
Journal Article 2000 Bowser, Barbara J. From pottery to politics: an ethnoarchaeological study of political factionalism, ethnicity, and domestic pottery style in the Ecuadorian Amazon Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory [Bowser, 2000 #29020]
Journal Article 2006 Cox, Katharine Forensic identification of "race:" the issues in New Zealand Current Anthropology [Cox, 2006 #30150]
Journal Article 1978 Lieberman, Victor B. Ethnic Politics in Eighteenth-Century Burma Modern Asian Studies [Lieberman, 1978 #30421]
Journal Article 1997 Fucharoen, Goonapa Beta-globin gene haplotypes in some minor ethnic groups in Thailand Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health [Fucharoen, 1997 #30615]
Journal Article 2001 Fucharoen, Goonnapa Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms in Thailand Journal of Human Genetics [Fucharoen, 2001 #30617]
Journal Article 1995 Nguyen Kim Thuy, Hinh thai nan chung dan toc B'rau o kon Tum ( Tay Nguyen ) [ Anthropomorphology of B' rau ethnic group in Kon Tum province] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1995 #30871]
Journal Article 1987 Diep Dinh Hoa, Nhan xet khao co - dan toc hoc ve nguoi Thai qua tu lieu dien da o mien tay Nghe Tinh [ Archaeo-ethniological considerations on the Thai people from field material collected in western Nghe Tinh ] Khao Co Hoc [Diep 1987 #31113]
Journal Article 1987 Nguyen Dinh Khoa, Mot khung phan loai cua nganh Mongoloid [ A classification frame for Mongoloid branch] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1987 #31114]
Journal Article 2004 Pietrusewsky, Michael Review of "Genetic, linguistic, and archaeological perspectives on human diversity in Southeast Asia," by Li Jin, Mark Seielstad, and Chunjie Xiao, eds. Asian Perspectives (2004) [Pietrusewsky, 2004 #31157]
Journal Article 1957 Deraniyagala, P. E. P. The races of the Stone Age and of the ferrolithic of Ceylon Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society [Deraniyagala, 1957 #31262]
Journal Article 1980 Vo Hung, Ban them ve su sap xep cac nhom loa i hinh chung toc o Viêt Nam [ Further notes on the classification of racial types in Viêt Nam ] Khao Co Hoc [Vo 1980 #31321]