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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2017 Greene, A. F. The digital radiography of archaeological pottery: program and protocols for the analysis of production Journal of Archaeological Science [Greene, 2017 #26904]
BAR Section 1984 Vincent, Brian A. The petrographic analysis of prehistoric pottery from Ban Na Di and related sites Prehistoric investigations in northeast Thailand [Vincent, 1984 #19696]
Book Section 2012 Cameron, Judith The spinning tools The origins of the civilization of Angkor, volume five: the excavation of Ban Non Wat, part three: the bronze age [Cameron, 2012 #22905]
Book Section 1986 Watson, William Thin-section analysis of pre-iron-age pottery in Southeast Asia Scientific and technological insights on ancient Chinese pottery and porcelain [Watson, 1986 #24803]
Journal Article 2002 Mata, M. P. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) applied to ancient pottery Archaeometry [Mata, 2002 #31865]
Journal Article 2006 Specht, Jim Type X pottery, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea: petrography and possible Micronesian relationships Asian Perspectives (2006) [Specht, 2006 #30272]
Journal Article 2010 Wisniewski, Béatrice Une approche de la tradition céramique vietnamienne du premier millénaire apr. J.-C. L'appropriation de techniques issues du monde chinois Aséanie [Wisniewski, 2010 #28455]
Journal Article 1994 Pham Ly Huong, Ve ky thuat nung gom tien su va so su Viêt Nam [ About the technique of pottery firing in the prehistory and protohistory of Vietnam] Khao Co Hoc [Pham 1994 #30907]
Journal Article 1982 Han Van Khan, Ve su xuat hien va phat trien cua ban xoay gom co [ On the birth and development of old potter's wheel] Khao Co Hoc [Han 1982 #31295]
Book Section 1998 Gogte, Vishwas Dattatrey X ray diffraction study of ancient pottery from the Bronze Age site at Tha Kae (Central Thailand) Southeast Asian Archaeology 1994: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archeologists [Gogte, 1998 #24865]
Journal Article 1996 Miksic, John N. X-ray flourescence analysis of glass from Fort Canning, Singapore Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Miksic, 1996 #32019]
Book Section 1982 Alexander, Ralph E. Xeroradiography of ancient objects: a new imaging modality Archaeological Ceramics [Alexander, 1982 #25074]
Journal Article 1986 Glanzman, William D. Xeroradiography: a key to the nature of technological change in ceramic production Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment [Glanzman, 1986 #35991]