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Ref ID: 31295
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Han Van Khan,
Title: Ve su xuat hien va phat trien cua ban xoay gom co [ On the birth and development of old potter's wheel]
Date: 1982
Source: Khao Co Hoc
Language: Vietnamese
Notes: Diacriticals from original publication not included
Abstract: English summary on page 49 as follows: From archaeological and ethnological studies at home and abroad, the author affirms that: 1-- potter's wheel was invented and had und-ergone several phases of development: wheel without axis
wheel with axis
hand-controlled wheel
foot-controlled wheel. 2-- it could be made from different materials: wood, clay, stone. 3-- imprints are found on ceramic items when and where they were made with potter's wheel. From scratches, one can guess the rotating speed. 4-- the birth of this wheel has led to major changes in technical improvements and social relationship. 5-- Vietnam is also where potter,s wheel was known quite early, from late Neolithic.
Date Created: 2/10/2004
Number: 43
Page Start: 43
Page End: 49