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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1998 Renfrew, Colin Overview: applications of DNA in archaeology: a review of the DNA studies of the ancient biomolecules initiative Ancient Biomolecules [Renfrew, 1998 #32432]
Journal Article 2010 Larson, Gregor Patterns of East Asian pig domestication, migration, and turnover revealed by modern and ancient DNA PNAS [Larson, 2010 #28636]
Journal Article 1998 Turner, Catherine L. Patterns of genetic diversity in extant and extinct cattle populations: evidence from sequence analysis of mitochondrial coding regions Ancient Biomolecules [Turner, 1998 #32421]
Journal Article 1996 Lassen, C. PCR based sex identification of ancient human bones by amplification of X- and Y-chromosomal sequences: a comparison Ancient Biomolecules [Lassen, 1996 #32391]
Journal Article 2021 Larena, Maximilian Philippine Ayta possess the highest level of Denisovan ancestry in the world Current Biology [Larena, 2021 #37112]
Journal Article 2007 Larson, Greger Phylogeny and ancient DNA of <i>Sus</i> provides insights into neolithic expansion in island Southeast Asia and Oceania PNAS [Larson, 2007 #29278]
Journal Article 1991 Hertzberg, Mark Polynesian origins and migration: the story according to nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Hertzberg, 1991 #29132]
Journal Article 2001 Evison, Martin P. Population studies using HLA Ancient Biomolecules [Evison, 2001 #32450]
Journal Article 2018 Lipson, Mark Population turnover in Remote Oceania shortly after initial settlement Current Biology [Lipson, 2018 #26621]
Journal Article 1999 Matisoo-Smith, Elizabeth Prehistoric mobility in Polynesia: MtDNA variation in <i>Rattus exulans</i> from the Chatham and Kermadec Islands Asian Perspectives (1999) [Matisoo-Smith, 1999 #32774]
Journal Article 2002 Banerjee, Monica Preservation of nuclear but not chloroplast DNA in archaeological assemblages of charred wheat grains Ancient Biomolecules [Banerjee, 2002 #32463]
Journal Article 1997 Faerman, M. Prevalence of human tuberculosis in a medieval population of Lithuanian studied by ancient DNA analysis Ancient Biomolecules [Faerman, 1997 #32409]
Journal Article 1997 Schultes, T. Recognizing and overcoming inconsistencies in microsatellite typing of ancient DNA samples Ancient Biomolecules [Schultes, 1997 #32406]
Journal Article 2002 Gerstenberger, Julia Reconstruction of residence patterns through genetic typing of skeletal remains of an early medieval population Ancient Biomolecules [Gerstenberger, 2002 #32457]
Journal Article 1999 Tofanelli, Sergio Recovering ancient DNA by streptavidin-coated magnetic beads and biotinylated oligonucleotides (target-hooking) Ancient Biomolecules [Tofanelli, 1999 #32434]
Journal Article 2002 Ciesielski, Slawomir Recovery and analysis of mitochondrial DNA from ancient bones of common Bream, Abramis brama L Ancient Biomolecules [Ciesielski, 2002 #32455]
Journal Article 1996 Ubaldi, M. Ribosomal DNA analysis of culturable deuteromycetes from the iceman's hay: comparison of living and mummified fungi Ancient Biomolecules [Ubaldi, 1996 #32390]
Journal Article 2011 Singh, Varun South Asia - perennial backwater or object of biased assessment: a discussion based on current archaeological, anthropological, and genetic evidence Asian Perspectives (2010) [Singh, 2011 #28606]
Journal Article 2002 Burger, J. Species determination using species-discriminating PCR-RFLP of ancient DNA from prehistoric skeletal remains Ancient Biomolecules [Burger, 2002 #32458]
Journal Article 1997 Sealy, Judith C. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios and coastal diets in the later stone age of South Africa: a comparison and critical analysis of two data sets Ancient Biomolecules [Sealy, 1997 #34511]
Journal Article 2017 Gómez-Zeledón, Javier TaqMan qPCR pushes boundaries for the analysis of millennial wood Journal of Archaeological Science [Gómez-Zeledón, 2017 #26834]
Book Section 2022 Soares, Pedro The archaeogenetics of Southeast Asia The Oxford Handbook of Early Southeast Asia [Soares, 2022 #37016]
Journal Article 2010 Krause, J. The complete mitochondrial DNA genome of an unknown hominin from southern Siberia Nature [Krause, 2010 #27797]
Journal Article 2016 Barton, Loukas The cultural context of biological adaptation to high elevation Tibet Archaeological Research in Asia [Barton, 2016 #27022]
Journal Article 2018 Gosling, Anne L. The evolutionary history and human settlement of Australia and the Pacific Current Opinion in Genetics & Development [Gosling, 2018 #26622]
Journal Article 2000 MacHugh, David E. The extraction and analysis of ancient DNA from bone and teeth: a survey of current methodologies Ancient Biomolecules [MacHugh, 2000 #32445]
Journal Article 2001 Brown, Keri A. The future is bright - directions for future research with ancient DNA in forensic archaeology Ancient Biomolecules [Brown, 2001 #32451]
Journal Article 1993 Harpending, Henry C. The genetic structure of ancient human populations Current Anthropology [Harpending, 1993 #28501]
Journal Article 1997 Colson, I. B. The preservation of ancient DNA and bone diagenesis Ancient Biomolecules [Colson, 1997 #32404]
Journal Article 1997 Colson, Isabelle B. The preservation of ancient DNA and bone diagenesis Ancient Biomolecules [Colson, 1997 #34748]