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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section in a Series 1992 Sinoto, Yosihiko H. A brief overview of current knowledge on the eastward expansion of early populations in Oceania as it pertains to problems of East Polynesian settlement (with notes on the possible influence of Jomon culture in Oceania) International symposium on Japanese as a member of the Asian and Pacific populations: September 25-29, 1990, Shin-Miyako Hotel Kyoto, Japan [Sinoto, 1992 #26188]
Book Section in a Series 1992 Horai, Satoshi Human mitochondrial DNA: a clue to the development and dispersion of Asian populations International symposium on Japanese as a member of the Asian and Pacific populations: September 25-29, 1990, Shin-Miyako Hotel Kyoto, Japan [Horai, 1992 #26201]
Book Section in a Series 1992 Hanihara, Kazuro Dual structure model for the formation of the Japanese population International symposium on Japanese as a member of the Asian and Pacific populations: September 25-29, 1990, Shin-Miyako Hotel Kyoto, Japan [Hanihara, 1992 #26203]
Journal Article 2000 Fiedel, Stuart J. The peopling of the New World: present evidence, new theories, and future directions Journal of Archaeological Research [Fiedel, 2000 #31929]
Journal Article 2007 Pope, Kevin O. Environmental setting of human migrations in the circum-Pacific region Journal of Biogeography [Pope, 2007 #29590]
Journal Article 1961 Brandt, John H. The negrito of peninsular Thailand Journal of the Siam Society [Brandt, 1961 #34120]
Journal Article 1965 Brandt, John H. The Southeast Asian negrito Journal of the Siam Society [Brandt, 1965 #34170]
Journal Article 1996 Nguyen Lan Cuong, Tu lieu moi ve nhung so co thuoc van hoa Oc Eo [ New materials on ancient skulls of the Oc Eo culture] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1996 #30854]
Journal Article 1987 Luong Ninh, Oc eo va Phu Nam [ Oc Eo and Fu Nan ] Khao Co Hoc [Luong 1987 #31111]
Journal Article 1987 Diep Dinh Hoa, Nhan xet khao co - dan toc hoc ve nguoi Thai qua tu lieu dien da o mien tay Nghe Tinh [ Archaeo-ethniological considerations on the Thai people from field material collected in western Nghe Tinh ] Khao Co Hoc [Diep 1987 #31113]
Book Section 1992 Bird, J. Roger Obsidian characteristics and the peopling of the Pacific La pierre préhistorique: actes du séminaire du Laboratoire de recherche des musées de France, 13 et 14 décembre 1990 [Bird, 1992 #24515]
Book Section 1999 Valentin, Frédérique Sur le peuplement mélanésien de la Nouvelle-Calédonie: quelques aspects anthropologiques Le Pacifique de 5000 à 2000 avant le présent [Valentin, 1999 #23997]
Book Section 1999 Dijk, Nicola van Who are these people? Human skeletal remains from the Pacific region Le Pacifique de 5000 à 2000 avant le présent [Dijk, 1999 #24003]
Journal Article 1952 Barth, Fredrik Southern Mongoloid migration Man [Barth, 1952 #34092]
Book Section 2017 Matsumura, Hirofumi Mid-holocene hunter-gatherers 'Gaomiao' in Hunan, China: the first of the two-layer model in the population history of East/Southeast Asia New Perspectives in Southeast Asian and Pacific Prehistory [Matsumura, 2017 #22329]
Journal Article 2001 Storm, Paul The evolution of humans in Australasia from an environmental perspective Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Storm, 2001 #32507]
Book Section in a Series 1993 Bellwood, Peter The Austronesian dispersal and the origin of language families People of the stone age: hunter-gatherers and early farmers [Bellwood, 1993 #25890]
Journal Article 2001 Stiner, Mary C. Thirty years on the "Broad Spectrum Revolution" and paleolithic demography PNAS [Stiner, 2001 #30685]
Book Section 2000 Matsumura, Hirofumi Reconstructing human population history of Southeast Asia from cranial and dental characteristics perspective Proceedings of the First and Second Symposia on Collection Building and Natural History Studies in Asia [Matsumura, 2000 #24549]
Journal Article 2004 Bird, Michael I. Population PEP II: the dispersal of humans and agriculture through Austral-Asia and Oceania Quaternary International [Bird, 2004 #30692]
Journal Article 2004 Wu, Xinzhi On the origin of modern humans in China Quaternary International [Wu, 2004 #30693]
Journal Article 2001 Straus, Lawrence Guy Africa and Iberia on the Pleistocene Quaternary International [Straus, 2001 #31793]
Journal Article 2001 Rightmire, G. Philip Patterns of hominid evolution and dispersal in the middle Pleistocene Quaternary International [Rightmire, 2001 #31794]
Journal Article 2001 Kramer, Andrew Out of Africa and into the Levant: replacement or admixture in Western Asia Quaternary International [Kramer, 2001 #31795]
Journal Article 2001 Hawks, John D. The four faces of Eves: hypothesis compatibility and human origins Quaternary International [Hawks, 2001 #31796]
Journal Article 2001 Gamble, Clive Modes, movement and moderns Quaternary International [Gamble, 2001 #31797]
Journal Article 2001 Bar-Yosef, Ofer From Africa to Eurasia - early dispersals Quaternary International [Bar-Yosef, 2001 #31799]
Journal Article 2001 Aguirre, Emiliano Early human expansions into Eurasia: the Atapuerca evidence Quaternary International [Aguirre, 2001 #31800]
Journal Article 1984 Brace, C. Loring Human tooth size at mesolithic, neolithic, and modern levels at Niah Cave, Sarawak: comparisons with other Asian populations Sarawak Museum Journal [Brace, 1984 #34056]
Journal Article 2004 Normile, Dennis Consortium hopes to map human history in Asia Science [Normile, 2004 #30338]