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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 2005 Pike, Alistair W. G Other Dating Techniques Handbook of Archaeological Methods [Pike, 2005 #22196]
Book Section 2005 Pettitt, Paul B. Radiocarbon Dating Handbook of Archaeological Methods [Pettitt, 2005 #22197]
Journal Article 2008 Lewis, Helen Preliminary results of speleothem dating from Tabon Cave, Palawan, Philippines: moisture increase at the last glacial maximum Hukay: Bulletin of the University of Philippines Archaeological Studies Program [Lewis, 2008 #28875]
Book Section in a Series 2004 Bluszcz, A. OSL dating in archaeology Impact of the environment on human migration in Eurasia [Bluszcz, 2004 #25702]
Book Section 1999 Brown, P. The first modern east Asians? Another look at Upper Cave 101, Liujiang, and Minatogawa 1 Interdisciplinary perspectives on the origins of the Japanese [Brown, 1999 #22381]
Journal Article 2019 Niespolo, Elizabeth M. 230Th dating of coral abraders from stratified deposits at Tangatatau Rockshelter, Mangaia, Cook Islands: implications for building precise chronologies in Polynesia Journal of Archaeological Science [Niespolo, 2019 #19624]
Journal Article 2017 Paige, Jonathan Are the intensities and durations of small-scale pottery firings sufficient to completely dehydroxylate clays?: testing a key assumption underlying ceramic rehydroxylation dating Journal of Archaeological Science [Paige, 2017 #26836]
Journal Article 2004 O'Connell, J. F. Dating the colonization of Sahul (Pleistocene Australia-New Guinea): a review of recent research Journal of Archaeological Science [O'Connell, 2004 #28493]
Journal Article 2004 Bishop, Paul OSL and radiocarbon dating of a pre-Angkorian canal in the Mekong delta, southern Cambodia Journal of Archaeological Science [Bishop, 2004 #31602]
Journal Article 1984 Pope, Geoffrey G. The Asian hominidae Journal of Human Evolution [Pope, 1984 #35227]
Journal Article 2020 Kaharudin, Hendri A. F. A review of archaeological dating efforts at cave and rockshelter sites in the Indonesian Archipelago Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology [Kaharudin, 2020 #36894]
Journal Article 2022 Higham, Charles Khok Phanom Di: new radiocarbon dates and their implications Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology [Higham, 2022 #37165]
Journal Article 1976 Barr, S. M. Paleomagnetism and age of the Lampang basalt (northern Thailand) and the age of underlying pebble tools Journal of the Geological Society of Thailand [Barr, 1976 #35484]
Journal Article 1984 Solheim, Wilhelm G., II The dating of sites and phases in northeast Thailand Journal of the Hong Kong Archaeological Society [Solheim, 1984 #35793]
Journal Article 2008 Borell, Brigitte The early Byzantine lamp from Pong Tuk Journal of the Siam Society [Borell, 2008 #36677]
Journal Article 1992 Krairiksh, Piriya A revised dating of Ayudhya architecture (II) Journal of the Siam Society [Krairiksh, 1992 #36695]
Journal Article 1992 Krairiksh, Piriya A revised dating of Ayudhya architecture Journal of the Siam Society [Krairiksh, 1992 #36696]
Book Section 1976 Sørensen, Per Preliminary note on the relative and absolute chronology of two early Palaeolithic sites from north Thailand Le paléolithic inférieur et moyen en Inde, en Asie centrale, en Chine et dans Le Sud-est asiatique: 9th Congress of the International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, Nice [Sørensen, 1976 #25076]
Journal Article 1993 Glover, Ian C. The bronze age in Southeast Asia: its recognition, dating, and recent research Man and Environment [Glover, 1993 #35493]
Journal Article 2020 Rizal, Yan Last appearance of Homo erectus at Ngandong, Java, 117,000-108,000 years ago Nature [Rizal, 2020 #19021]
Journal Article 2016 Latinis, David Kyle Dating Koh Ker: new data from the 10th century Angkorian capital NCS Highlights [Latinis, 2016 #27576]
Journal Article 2006 Bacon, Anne-Marie New palaeontological assemblage, sedimentological and chronological data from the Pleistocene Ma U'Oi cave (northern Vietnam) Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Bacon, 2006 #27749]
Journal Article 2018 Curnoe, Darren Rare Late Pleistocene-early Holocene human mandibles from the Niah Caves (Sarawak, Borneo) PLOS One [Curnoe, 2018 #26728]
Journal Article 2018 Brumm, Adam A reassessment of the early archaeological record at Leang Burung 2, a late Pleistocene rock-shelter site on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi PLOS One [Brumm, 2018 #26770]
Journal Article 2012 Demeter, Fabrice Reply to Pierret et al. PNAS [Demeter, 2012 #27756]
Journal Article 2021 Sun, Xue-feng Ancient DNA and multimethod dating confirm the late arrival of anatomically modern humans in southern China PNAS [Sun, 2021 #36966]
Journal Article 1970 Sartono, S. On the stratigraphic position of Pithecanthropus mandible-C Proceedings of the Institut Teknologi Bandung [Sartono, 1970 #30234]
Journal Article 2007 Stephens, Mark Progress in optical dating of guano-rich sediments associated with the Deep Skull, West Mouth of the Great Cave of Niah, Sarawak, Borneo Quaternary Geochronology [Stephens, 2007 #28489]
Journal Article 2017 Sun, Xuefeng TT-OSL and post-IR IRSL dating of the Dali Man site in central China Quaternary International [Sun, 2017 #27356]
Journal Article 2017 Han, Fei The earliest evidence of hominid settlement in China: combined electron spin resonance and uranium series (ESR/U-series) dating of mammalian fossil teeth from Longgupo cave Quaternary International [Han, 2017 #27359]