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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book 1996 Hillson, Simon Dental Anthropology [Hillson, 1996 #20971]
Journal Article 1996 Kangxin, Han A comparative study of ritual tooth ablation in ancient China and Japan Anthropological Science [Kangxin, 1996 #31998]
Journal Article 1996 Oyamada, Joichi Dental morbid condition of hunter-gatherers on Okinawa Island during the Middle Period of the prehistoric shell midden culture and of agriculturalists in Northern Kyushu during the Yayoi Period Anthropological Science [Oyamada, 1996 #32001]
Journal Article 1996 Tayles, Nancy Tooth ablation in prehistoric Southeast Asia International Journal of Osteoarchaeology [Tayles, 1996 #34476]
Book Section 1997 Lukacs, John R. New frontiers in dental anthropology: creative approaches to diet and stress in prehistory Biological anthropology: the state of the science [Lukacs, 1997 #24716]
Journal Article 1997 Lane, D. W. Some observations on the trace element concentrations in human dental enamel Biological Trace Element Research [Lane, 1997 #34615]
Journal Article 1997 Glen-Haduch, Elzbieta Cribra orbitalia and trace element content in human teeth from Neolithic and Early Bronze Age graves in southern Poland American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Glen-Haduch, 1997 #34703]
Journal Article 1998 Kumar, Ann An Indonesian component in the Yayoi?: the evidence of biological anthropology Anthropological Science [Kumar, 1998 #31968]
Journal Article 1998 Walters, Ian Pleistocene hominoid dental variation in Vietnam Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Walters, 1998 #35383]
Book Section 1999 Budda, P. Pb and Sr isotope composition of human dental enamel: an indicator of Pacific islander population dynamics Le Pacifique de 5000 à 2000 avant le présent [Budda, 1999 #23993]
Thesis-MA 1999 Nelson, Kirsten M. The dental health of the people from Noen U-Loke. A prehistoric Iron Age site in northeast Thailand [Nelson, 1999 #36458]
Book Section 2000 Matsumura, Hirofumi Reconstructing human population history of Southeast Asia from cranial and dental characteristics perspective Proceedings of the First and Second Symposia on Collection Building and Natural History Studies in Asia [Matsumura, 2000 #24549]
Journal Article 2000 Lillie, Malcolm C. Stable isotope analysis and dental evidence of diet at the mesolithic-neolithic transition in Ukraine Journal of Archaeological Science [Lillie, 2000 #34352]
Journal Article 2000 Tayles, N. Agriculture and dental caries? The case of rice in prehistoric Southeast Asia World Archaeology [Tayles, 2000 #34475]
Journal Article 2000 Bulbeck, F. David Dental morphology at Gua Cha, West Malaysia, and the implications for "Sundadonty" Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Bulbeck, 2000 #35378]
Journal Article 2001 Nelson, K. Missing lateral incisors in Iron Age South-East Asians as possible indicators of dental agenesis Archives of Oral Biology [Nelson, 2001 #29306]
Journal Article 2001 Kieser, J. A. Patterns of dental wear in the early Maori dentition International Journal of Osteoarchaeology [Kieser, 2001 #29307]
Journal Article 2001 Takenaka, Masami Tooth removal during ritual tooth ablation in the Jomon period Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Takenaka, 2001 #31745]
Journal Article 2001 Sciulli, Paul W. Evolution of dentition in prehistoric Ohio Valley Native Americans III. Metrics of deciduous dentition American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Sciulli, 2001 #31918]
Journal Article 2001 Mizoguchi, Yuji Metric and non-metric characters of the Jomon skulls from the Ebishima shell-mound in northeastern Honshu, Japan Anthropological Science [Mizoguchi, 2001 #31980]
Journal Article 2001 Hudson, Mark Dental pathology and subsistence change in late prehistoric Okinawa Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Hudson, 2001 #34039]
Journal Article 2001 Matsumura, Hirofumi Dental morphology of the early Hoabinhian, the Neolithic Da But and the Metal Age Dong Son civilized peoples in Vietnam Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Anthropologie [Matsumura, 2001 #34048]
Journal Article 2002 Oxenham, Marc F. Oral health in northen Viêt Nam: neolithic through metal periods Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Oxenham, 2002 #30085]
Journal Article 2002 Oxenham, Marc Oral health in northern Viet Nam: neolithic through metal periods Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Oxenham, 2002 #31763]
Journal Article 2002 Oxenham, Marc F. Identification of Areca catechu (betel nut) residues on the dentitions of bronze age inhabitants of Nui Nap, northern Vietnam Journal of Archaeological Science [Oxenham, 2002 #31827]
Journal Article 2002 Wu, Liu The diet of the Yuanmou hominoid, Yunnan Province, China: an analysis from tooth size and morphology Anthropological Science [Wu, 2002 #31978]
Journal Article 2002 Medrana, Jack G. L. A report on the human teeth from Ille Cave: an exercise in odontology Hukay: Bulletin of the University of Philippines Archaeological Studies Program [Medrana, 2002 #32346]
Journal Article 2002 Cobb, Janice C. Ancient DNA recovered by a non-destructive method Ancient Biomolecules [Cobb, 2002 #32537]
Journal Article 2002 Oxenham, Marc F. Oral health in northern Viêt Nam: neolithic through metal periods Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Oxenham, 2002 #32663]
Journal Article 2002 Kennedy, Kenneth A. R. Megalithic Pochampad: the skeletal biology and archaeological context of an Iron Age site in Andhra Pradesh, India Asian Perspectives (2002) [Kennedy, 2002 #32711]