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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2005 Fairbairn, Andrew An archaeobotanical perspective on Holocene plant-use practices in lowland northern New Guinea World Archaeology [Fairbairn, 2005 #30140]
Book Section 1999 Hope, Geoff Holocene vegetation histories in the Western Pacific: alternative records of human impact Le Pacifique de 5000 à 2000 avant le présent [Hope, 1999 #23989]
Book Section 1999 Clark, Jeffrey T. Environmental change and human prehistory on Totoya island, Fiji Le Pacifique de 5000 à 2000 avant le présent [Clark, 1999 #24001]
Book Section 1999 Stevenson, Janelle Human impact from the paleoenvironmental record on New Caledonia Le Pacifique de 5000 à 2000 avant le présent [Stevenson, 1999 #23999]
Journal Article 2006 Liew Ping-Mei Pollen stratigraphy, vegetation and environment of the last glacial and Holocene—a record from Toushe Basin, central Taiwan Quaternary International [Liew 2006 #30343]
Journal Article 2005 Penny, Dan Microfossil evidence of land-use intensification in north Thailand Journal of Archaeological Science [Penny, 2005 #30580]
Book Section 2004 Tarasov, Pavel E. Late glacial and Holocene vegetation changes recorded in the pollen data from the Hangai mountains, central Mongolia Monsoon and civilization [Tarasov, 2004 #24308]
Journal Article 2004 Mingram, Jens The Huguang maar lake--a high-resolution record of palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic changes over the last 78,000 years from south China Quaternary International [Mingram, 2004 #30676]
Journal Article 2004 Weijian Zhou, High-resolution evidence from southern China of an early Holocene optimum and a mid-Holocene dry event during the past 18,000 years Quaternary Research [Weijian 2004 #30680]
Journal Article 2004 Loader, N. J. The stable isotope analysis of pollen as an indicator of terrestrial palaeonvironmental change: a review of progress and recent developments Quaternary Science Reviews [Loader, 2004 #30687]
Journal Article 1990 Tran Dat, Ve cac phuong phap gia cong mau trong phan tich bao tu phan hoa [ About the methodas of making samples in pollen analysis] Khao Co Hoc [Tran 1990 #31050]
Journal Article 1992 Tran Dinh Nhan, He thuc vat Pleistocene- Holocene vung Phong Chau Vinh Phu [ The florian the late pleistocene - holocene at Phing Chau, Vinh Phu province] Khao Co Hoc [Tran 1992 #30995]
Journal Article 2004 Yi, Sangheon Latest Pleistocene climate variation of the East Asian monsoon from pollen records of two East China regions Quaternary International [Yi, 2004 #31055]
Journal Article 1987 Tran Dat, Nhin lai cac ket qua phan tich bao tu phan hoa trong nghien cuu khao co hoc Viêt Nam [ Reassessment at the results of analysis of palynology in archaeological research] Khao Co Hoc [Tran 1987 #31090]
Journal Article 1974 Nguyen Ngoc Nang, Excavation at Bung Cave (Hoa Binh) - results of the palynological Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1974 #31123]
Journal Article 2004 Paudayal, Khum N. Pleistocene palynology of Nepal Quaternary International [Paudayal, 2004 #31183]
Journal Article 2004 Jing-Xian Xu, Climatic and ecological implications of Late Pliocene palynoflora from Longling, Yunnan, China Quaternary International [Jing-Xian 2004 #31182]
Journal Article 2004 Hope, Geoffrey History of vegetation and habitat change in the Austral-Asian region Quaternary International [Hope, 2004 #31175]
Journal Article 1996 Maloney, Bernard K. Canarium in the Southeast Asian and Oceanic archaeobotanical pollen records Antiquity [Maloney, 1996 #31240]
Journal Article 1995 Maloney, Bernard K. A 30,000-year pollen and radiocarbon record from highland Sumatra as evidence for climatic change Radiocarbon [Maloney, 1995 #31239]
Journal Article 1994 Maloney, Bernard K. Pea Bullock: a preliminary account of a 30,000-year record of vegetation and climatic change from highland north Sumatra Quaternary Newsletter [Maloney, 1994 #31241]
Journal Article 1980 Hoang Van Du, Phuong phap bao tu phan hoa va kha nang dong gop cua no voi khao co hoc [ The palynology and its possible contribution to the archaeological study] Khao Co Hoc [Hoang 1980 #31323]
Journal Article 1980 Tran Dinh Nghia, Ve cong tac nghien cuu co thuc vat trong khao co hoc [ About palaeobotanic investigation in archaeology] Khao Co Hoc [Tran 1980 #31308]
Journal Article 1998 van der Kaars, S. Marine and terrestrial pollen records of the last glacial cycle from the Indonesian region: Bandung Basin and the Banda Sea Palaeoclimates [van 1998 #31359]
Journal Article 1989 Kamaruddin bin Hassan, Palynological study of samples from the archaeological site at Kota Tampan, Perak, peninsular Malaysia Jurnal Arkeologi Malaysia [Kamaruddin 1989 #31537]
Journal Article 2004 White, Joyce C. Vegetation changes from the late Pleistocene through the Holocene from three areas of archaeological significance in Thailand Quaternary International [White, 2004 #31641]
Journal Article 2003 Lentfer, C. J. Particle settling times for gravity sedimentation and centrifigation: a practical giude for palynologists Journal of Archaeological Science [Lentfer, 2003 #31819]
Journal Article 2003 Flenley, John Some prospects for lake sediment analysis in the 21st century Quaternary International [Flenley, 2003 #31791]
Journal Article 2001 Dam, R. A. C. Quarternary environmental change in the Indonesian region Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Dam, 2001 #31767]
Journal Article 2001 van der Kaars, Sander Late Quaternary palaeoecology, palynology, and palaeolimnology of a tropical lowland swamp: Rawa Danau, West-Java, Indonesia Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [van 2001 #31766]