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Ref ID: 31175
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Hope, Geoffrey
Kershaw, A. Peter
van der Kaars, Sander
Sun Xiangjun,
Ping-Mei Liew,
Heusser, Linda E.
Takahara, Hikaru
McGlone, Matt
Miyoshi, Norio
Moss, Patrick T.
Title: History of vegetation and habitat change in the Austral-Asian region
Date: 2004
Source: Quaternary International
Abstract: Over 1000 marine and terrestrial pollen diagrams and some hundreds of vertebrate faunal sequences have been studied in the Austral-Asian region bisected by the PEPII transect, from the Russian arctic extending south through east Asia, Indochina, southern Asia, insular Southeast Asia (Sunda), Melanesia, Australasia (Sahul) and the western south Pacific. The majority of these records are Holocene but sufficient data exist to allow the reconstruction of the changing biomes over at least the past 200,000 years. The PEPII transect is free of the effects of large northern ice caps yet exhibits vegetational change in glacial cycles of a similar scale to North America. Major processes that can be discerned are the response of tropical forests in both lowlands and uplands to glacial cycles, the expansion of humid vegetation at the PleistoceneĀ–Holocene transition and the change in faunal and vegetational controls as humans occupy the region. There is evidence for major changes in the intensity of monsoon and El Nino-Southern oscillation variability both on glacialĀ–interglacial and longer time scales with much of the region experiencing a long-term trend towards more variable and/or drier climatic conditions. Temperature variation is most marked in high latitudes and high altitudes with precipitation providing the major climate control in lower latitude, lowland areas. At least some boundary shifts may be the response of vegetation to changing CO2 levels in the atmosphere. Numerous questions of detail remain, however, and current resolution is too coarse to examine the degree of synchroneity of millennial scale change along the transect.
Date Created: 4/14/2004
Volume: 117
Number: 1
Page Start: 103
Page End: 126