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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1991 Hoang Xuan Chinh, Faunal and cultural changes from Pleistocene to Holocene in Vietnam Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Hoang 1991 #29150]
Journal Article 1991 Sohn Pokee, Yonggul Cave: Palaeontological evidence and cultural behaviour Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Sohn 1991 #29148]
Book 2007 Bellina, Bérénice Cultural exchange between India and Southeast Asia : production and distribution of hard stone ornaments (VI c. BC-VI c. AD) [Bellina, 2007 #20380]
Book Section in a Series 2008 Ladwig, Patrice Between cultural preservation and this-worldly commitment: modernization, social activism and the Lao Buddhist saṅgha Recherches nouvelles sur le Laos [Ladwig, 2008 #25647]
Journal Article 1993 Hall, Thomas D. The world-systems perspective and archaeology: forward into the past Journal of Archaeological Research [Hall, 1993 #29502]
Book Section in a Series 2004 Dirksen, V. G. Mid to late Holocene climate change and its influence on cultural development in South Central Siberia Impact of the environment on human migration in Eurasia [Dirksen, 2004 #25692]
Book (Edited) 2001 Shortland, Andrew J. The social context of technological change: Egypt and the Near East, 1650-1550 B.C. [Shortland, 2001 #21490]
Book Section in a Series 1989 van der Leeuw, Sander E. Risk, perception, innovation What's new?: a closer look at the process of innovation [van 1989 #25758]
Book Section in a Series 2001 Skibo, James M. Understanding artifact variability and change: a behavioral framework Anthropological perspectives on technology [Skibo, 2001 #25761]
Book Section 1981 Smith, Cyril Stanley On art, invention, and technology A search for structure: selected essays on science, art, and history [Smith, 1981 #23807]
Book Section in a Series 1993 Pétrequin, Pierre North wind, south wind: Neolithic technical choices in the Jura mountains Technological choices: transformation in material cultures since the neolithic [Pétrequin, 1993 #25770]
Book (Edited) 1992 Errington, E. The crossroads of Asia: transformation in image and symbol [Errington, 1992 #21500]
Book Section in a Series 1999 Scarry, John F. Elite identities in Apalachee Province: the construction of identity and cultural change in a Mississippian polity Material symbols: culture and economy in prehistory [Scarry, 1999 #25775]
Book 2003 Chapman, Robert Archaeologies of complexity [Chapman, 2003 #20646]
Journal Article 1995 Budd, Paul The faerie smith meets the bronze industry: magic versus science in the interpretation of prehistoric metal-making World Archaeology [Budd, 1995 #29809]
Book Section in a Series 1974 Longacre, William A. Models of cultural process Reconstructing complex societies: an archaeological colloquium [Longacre, 1974 #25825]
Book Section 1991 Earle, T. K. Property rights and the evolution of chiefdoms Chiefdoms: power, economy, and ideology [Earle, 1991 #23878]
Book Section 1991 Hoang Xuân Chinh, Faunal and cultural changes from Pleistocene to Holocene in Vietnam Indo-Pacific prehistory 1990: proceedings of the 14th Congress of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 26 August to 2 September 1990 [Hoang 1991 #23884]
Book Section in a Series 1982 Akazawa, Takeru Cultural change in prehistoric Japan: receptivity to rice agriculture in the Japanese archipelago Advances in world archaeology [Akazawa, 1982 #25877]
Book Section 2001 Rashid, Razha Material culture as technological transformation: the Ma' Bətise' and the Kintak Bong Minority cultures of peninsular Malaysia: survivals of indigenous heritage [Rashid, 2001 #23971]
Book Section 1999 Terrel, Edward Lapita for winners: getting off the lapita merry-go-round and living without compulsive habits Le Pacifique de 5000 à 2000 avant le présent [Terrel, 1999 #24012]
Book Section 1999 Bedford, Stuart Lapita and Post-Lapita ceramic sequences from Erromango, southern Vanuatu Le Pacifique de 5000 à 2000 avant le présent [Bedford, 1999 #24007]
Book Section 1999 Sand, Christophe Lapita and non-Lapita ware during New Caledonia's first millennium of Austronesian settlement Le Pacifique de 5000 à 2000 avant le présent [Sand, 1999 #24006]
Journal Article 1960 Skinner, G. William Change and persistence in Chinese culture overseas: a comparison of Thailand and Java Journal of the South Seas Society [Skinner, 1960 #30304]
Journal Article 1962 Sharp, Lauriston Cultural continuities and discontinuities in Southeast Asia Journal of Asian Studies [Sharp, 1962 #30318]
Journal Article 1976 Reynolds, Craig J. Buddhist cosmography in Thai history, with special reference to nineteenth-century culture change Journal of Asian Studies [Reynolds, 1976 #30328]
Book in a Series 1985 Prizzia, Ross Thailand in transition : the role of oppositional forces [Prizzia, 1985 #21797]
Journal Article 2004 Fang, Yanming Settlement patterns in the upper Ying River Valley based on excavations at the Wadian site Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Fang, 2004 #30545]
Journal Article 2003 Johansen, Peter Recasting the foundations: new approaches to regional understandings of South Asian archaeology and the problem of culture history Asian Perspectives (2003) [Johansen, 2003 #31637]
Journal Article 1962 Chard, Chester S. Time depth and culture process in maritime Northeast Asia Asian Perspectives (1961) [Chard, 1962 #33555]