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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section in a Series 2013 Mantha, Alexis Shifting Territorialities under the Inka Empire: The Case of the Rapayán Valley in the Central Andean Highlands Territoriality in Archaeology [Mantha, 2013 #25182]
Book Section in a Series 2013 Yoffee, Norman New Territory in Archaeological Theory Territoriality in Archaeology [Yoffee, 2013 #25181]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1999 Bacus, Elisabeth A. Complex Polities in the Ancient Tropical World [Bacus, 1999 #22018]
Book Section in a Series 2014 Scarborough, Vernon L. The Alternative Economy: Resilience in the Face of Complexity from the Eastern Lowlands The Resilience and Vulnerability of Ancient Landscapes: Transforming Maya Archaeology through IHOPE [Scarborough, 2014 #25198]
Book Section in a Series 2014 Chase, Diane Z. Path Dependency in the Rise and Denouement of a Classic Maya City: The Case of Caracol, Belize The Resilience and Vulnerability of Ancient Landscapes: Transforming Maya Archaeology through IHOPE [Chase, 2014 #25197]
Book Section in a Series 2014 Iannone, Gyles Resilience and Vulnerability in the Maya Hinterlands The Resilience and Vulnerability of Ancient Landscapes: Transforming Maya Archaeology through IHOPE [Iannone, 2014 #25196]
Book Section in a Series 2014 Nelson, Ben A. Transformative Relocation in the U.S. Southwest and Mesoamerica The Resilience and Vulnerability of Ancient Landscapes: Transforming Maya Archaeology through IHOPE [Nelson, 2014 #25195]
Book Section in a Series 2014 Wilkinson, T. J. Comparative Landscape Analysis: Contrasting the Middle East and Maya Regions The Resilience and Vulnerability of Ancient Landscapes: Transforming Maya Archaeology through IHOPE [Wilkinson, 2014 #25194]
Book Section in a Series 2014 Tainter, Joseph A. Collapse and Sustainability: Rome, the Maya, and the Modern World The Resilience and Vulnerability of Ancient Landscapes: Transforming Maya Archaeology through IHOPE [Tainter, 2014 #25193]
Book Section in a Series 2014 Leeuw, Sander E. van der Transforming Lessons from the Past into Lessons for the Future The Resilience and Vulnerability of Ancient Landscapes: Transforming Maya Archaeology through IHOPE [Leeuw, 2014 #25192]
Book Section in a Series 2013 Valkenburgh, Parker Van Home Turf: Archaeology, Territoriality, and Politics Territoriality in Archaeology [Valkenburgh, 2013 #25191]
Book Section in a Series 2013 Bintliff, John L. Territoriality and Politics in the Prehistoric and Classical Aegean Territoriality in Archaeology [Bintliff, 2013 #25190]
Book Section in a Series 2013 Holl, Augustin F. C. Grass, Water, Salt, Copper, and Others: Pastoralists' Territorial Strategies Territoriality in Archaeology [Holl, 2013 #25189]
Book Section in a Series 2013 Greene, Alan Mobility, Territorial Commitments, and Political Organization among Late Bronze Age Polities in Southern Caucasia Territoriality in Archaeology [Greene, 2013 #25188]
Book Section in a Series 2013 Chabot-Hanowell, Benjamin Territorial and Nonterritorial Routes to Power: Reconciling Evolutionary Ecological, Social Agency, and Historicist Approaches Territoriality in Archaeology [Chabot-Hanowell, 2013 #25187]
Book Section in a Series 2013 Urban, Patricia Monumentality, Territoriality, and Networks during the Middle Preclassic in Northwest Honduras Territoriality in Archaeology [Urban, 2013 #25186]
Book in a Series (Edited) 2013 Osborne, James F. Territoriality in Archaeology [Osborne, 2013 #22019]
Book Section in a Series 1990 Donley-Reid, Linda W. The Power of Swahili Porcelain, Beads and Pottery Powers of Observation: Alternative Views in Archeology [Donley-Reid, 1990 #25222]
Book Section in a Series 1990 O'Brien, Patricia J. Evidence for the Antiquity of Gender Roles in the Central Plains Tradition Powers of Observation: Alternative Views in Archeology [O'Brien, 1990 #25221]
Book Section in a Series 1990 Sullivan, Norman C. The Biological Consequences of the Mississippian Expansion into the Western Great Lakes Region Powers of Observation: Alternative Views in Archeology [Sullivan, 1990 #25220]
Book Section in a Series 1990 Bumsted, M. Pamela Recognizing Women in the Archeological Record Powers of Observation: Alternative Views in Archeology [Bumsted, 1990 #25219]
Book Section in a Series 1990 Schoenwetter, James Lessons from an Alternative View Powers of Observation: Alternative Views in Archeology [Schoenwetter, 1990 #25218]
Book Section in a Series 1990 Gero, Joan Facts and Values in the Archeological Eye: Discussion of "Powers of Observation" Powers of Observation: Alternative Views in Archeology [Gero, 1990 #25217]
Book Section in a Series 1989 Close, Angela E. Identifying Style in Stone Artefacts: a Case Study from the Nile Valley Alternative Approaches to Lithic Analysis [Close, 1989 #25216]
Book Section in a Series 1989 Clark, G. A. Romancing the Stones: Biases, Style and Lithics at La Riera Alternative Approaches to Lithic Analysis [Clark, 1989 #25215]
Book Section in a Series 1989 Sackett, James R. Statistics, Attributes, and the Dynamics of Burin Typology Alternative Approaches to Lithic Analysis [Sackett, 1989 #25214]
Book Section in a Series 1989 Ahler, Stanley A. Mass Analysis of Flaking Debris: Studying the Forest Rather Than the Tree Alternative Approaches to Lithic Analysis [Ahler, 1989 #25213]
Book Section in a Series 1989 Johnson, Jay K. The Utility of Production Trajectory Modeling as a Framework for Regional Analysis Alternative Approaches to Lithic Analysis [Johnson, 1989 #25212]
Book Section in a Series 1989 Henry, Donald O. Correlations between Reduction Strategies and Settlement Patterns Alternative Approaches to Lithic Analysis [Henry, 1989 #25211]
Book Section in a Series 1989 Odell, George H. Fitting Analytical Techniques to Prehistoric Problems with Lithic Data Alternative Approaches to Lithic Analysis [Odell, 1989 #25210]